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单词 目空一切

目空一切mù kōng yī qiè

consider everybody and everything beneath one’s notice; be so self-conceited that nothing enters one’s eyes; belittle everything and everyone; be far gone in pride and haughtiness;be supercilious; look down on everyone else
❍ 不过他尽管心中害怕,却又横了心宁死不辱使命,不在“流贼”前失去面子,所以故意装得~,旁若无人地迈步前进。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—236) Despite his trepidation he determined not to lose face before these “bandits” and walked forward boldly,assuming a haughty air.
❍ 这个中校司令官是一个~、信口开河的家伙,…… (杨佩瑾《剑》 91) Roberts was conceited and indiscreet.
❍ 刘魁胜是个~,手狠心黑的家伙,平常对自己口是心非,……(冯志《敌后武工队》239) He is insolent,a cold blooded killer,and is double-faced towards me.
❍ 赵太爷因此也骤然大阔,远过于他儿子初隽秀才的时候,所以~,见了阿Q,也就很有些不放在眼里了。(《鲁迅选集》上—78) Mr Zhao’s prestige suddenly increased,far more so in fact than when his son first passed the official examination; consequently he started looking down on everyone else,and,when he saw Ah Q,tended to ignore him a little.
❍ 他们都在壮年,而且是怀才不遇,~。(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》156) They were in the prime of life,talented,proud of themselves,but ignored by the court.


look down upon everyone else; be extremely supercilious (or arrogant)

目空一切mù kōnɡ yī qiè

什么都不放在眼里。形容骄傲自大,不把一切放在眼里。be supercilious, with one’s nose in the air, look down on everyone, on one’s high horse





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