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单词 目瞪口呆

目瞪口呆mù dèng kǒu dāi

eyes staring and mouth gaping; agape and aghast; dumbfounded; petrified;stupefied; dumbstruck; speelbound; gape in conster nation; stare and gape; stare blankly and tougue tied
❍ 我是在二七年被血吓得~,离开广东的,那些吞吞吐吐,没有胆子直说的话,都载在而已集里。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—10) I left Canton in 1927,aghast at the bloodshed there,and my stammered comments—I dared not speak outright—appear in And That’s That.
❍ 黄世仁、穆仁智大惊,~。(《白毛女》99)Huang and Mu stand aghast,…/庙里庙外的人群,一个个~,动也不动,……(陈登科《活人塘》66) The peasants outside and inside the temple stood as motionless as sticks of wood.They were dumbfounded.
❍ 除了老柯一人外,十二个警兵个个~,让猴帽子把他们扣上手铐。(高云览《小城春秋》330) Eyes staring,their jaws slack,the guards stood dully while hooded men manacled their wrists. Only the driver,Lao Ke,was not handcuffed.
❍ 栾匪一看座山鵰拿的正是他的“先遣图”,惊的~, 满脸冒虚汗。(曲波《林海雪原》305) When the Tinker saw that the Eagle really had his Vanguard Map,he gaped,goggle-eyed,and a cold sweat broke out on his face.
❍ 贾政此时气得~。(《红楼梦》397) Jai Zheng’s eyes were nearly bursting from his head with rage.
❍ 褒~,不能回答。(《三国演义》747) Chu Bao stared open-mouthed and could not reply.
❍ 这是使几百名日本战犯顿时变成~的宽恕,…… (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》487) This amazing forgiveness struck the hundreds of Japanese war criminals dumb for a while,…


吓得~ be struck dumb with fear;gape goggleeyed

目瞪口呆mù dènɡ kǒu dāi

睁大眼睛直盯着不动,说不出话来。形容因惊奇害怕而口吃发愣。dumbstruck, stand petrified, be scaned stiff, stand aghast





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