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单词 pot
释义 pot1 /pot; pat/ n 1 round vessel of earthenware, metal or glass, for holding liquids or solids, for cooking things in, etc; contents of such a vessel: 锥; 壶; 盆; 瓶; 锅 (作容器、烹调等用); 一才 (锅等) 之物; 一罐 (锅等) 之量: a 'jam-pot; 果辱罐; eat a whole pot of 胛吃整罐的果酱; a 'teapot; 茶壶; a 'coffeepot; 咖啡壶; a 'flower-pot; 花盆; a 'chamber-pot. 便壶液壶。 the n forming the first element of such compounds. 参看构成上列复合字前一部分的名词。 2 (phrases and provs) (片语与蕤语) go to pot, (sl) be ruined or destroyed. (便) 毁灭; 毁坏。 keep the 'pot boiling, earn enough money to buy one's food, etc; keep sth, eg a children's game, going briskly. 働口; 谋生; 使事情 (如儿童游戏) 保持生气勃勃。 take, pot 'luck, whatever is available (without choice); whatever is being prepared for a meal: 有什庶吃什么; 吃便饭: Come home with me and take pot luck. 跟我回家吃便饭吧。 the, pot calling the .kettle 'black, the accuser having the same fault as the accused. 五十步笑百步; 一丘之貉。 3 (colloq) large sum: (俗) 大址: make a pot/pots of money. 了大钱。 4 a dig pot, (colloq) an important person. (俗) 大人物。 5 (colloq) prize in an athletic contest, esp a silver cup: (俗) (运动会的) 奖品; (尤指) 银杯: all the pots he won when he was young. 他年径时所赢得的全部奖品。 6 (sl) marijuana. (俚) 大麻烟。 7 (compounds) (复合字) 'pot-belly n (person with a) large, prominent belly. 大腹; 有大腹之人。 tpot-'bellied adj (of a person) having a potbelly; (of a stove) having a rounded container in which fuel, eg wood, burns. (指人) 大腹的; (指炉灶) 有燃烧燃料之圆肚的。 potboiler n book, picture, etc produced merely to bring in money. 仅为赚銭而作的书、图画等。 'pot-bound adj (of a plant) having roots that have filled its pot. (指植物) 根生满一花盆的。 'pot boy, 'pot-man /-man; -man/ (pl -men) n (hist) one who helps in a public house by filling pots with beer, etc. (史) 酒馆侍役 (帮助斟啤酒等) 。 pot hat n (sl) bowler hat. (俚) 高顶礼帽。 'pot-head n (sl) habitual marijuana user, (ffl) 吸食大麻烟上瘾者。 'pot-herb n plant, etc whose leaves or stems, or whose roots or tubers, are used in cooking. 蔬菜类植物 (其叶、茎或根、块茎用于烹注); 调味用之植物。 'pot-hole n a hole in a road made by rain and traffic. (道路因雨及行车所形成的) 坑; 穴。 b deep cylindrical hole worn in rock (eg in limestone caves) by water. 地壶 (石灰岩穴等内之岩石上为水侵蚀成的圆筒状深洞) 。 'pot-holer n person who explores pot-holes in caves. (在岩穴内) 探勘地壶之人。 'pot-hook n a hook, often S-shaped, which can be raised or lowered on a metal bar, for holding pots, etc over a fireplace. 锅钩; 挂钩 (可上下挪动,用以悬挂火烧上之锅、壶等) 。 b curved or wavy stroke made by children when learning to write their letters. (儿童学写字母时所作之) 専形笔 L。 pothouse n (old use) low-class public house; ale-house: (旧用法) 低级酒店; 啤酒店 .pot-house manners, vulgar manners. 粗都之举止。 'pot-hunter n a sportsman who shoots anything he comes across, thinking only of food for the pot or profit. (贝想到纤取食物或牟利的) 乱猎札 (bj person who takes part in contests merely for the sake of the prizes. 仅为 K 取奖品而参加竞赛的人。→ 5 above. 参看上列第 5 义。 'pot roast n beef, etc browned in a pot and cooked slowly with very little water. 焖烧牛肉等。 'pot-shot n shot aimed at a bird or animal that is near, so that careful aim is not needed; random shot. (为兽距离甚近无需仔细瞄准的) 近距离射击; 随意射击; 乱射。 'pot-trained adj (of a small child) trained to use a chamber-pot. (指小孩) 会使用便壶便溺的。




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