释义 |
无以复加wú yǐ fù jiācan hardly be worst (/better);can add no more; cannot be surpassed; in the extreme; the best (/worst) of its kind;blithering ❍ 感化譬方什么?不是像那水、那柔软到~的水么? (叶圣陶《倪焕之》110) What can we compare conversion to? Wouldn’t you say it was like water—as soft and weak as anything possibly could be?/精神和肉体,已被困到这般地步——怕~,也不能形容——的我,不得不撑了病体向“你老”作最后的呼声了! ——不,或者说求教,甚而是警告! (《鲁迅选集》 Ⅲ—41)Indescribably wasted in body and spirit— I could hardly be worse—I have propped up my feeble frame to utter one last cry to you,sir-an appeal for help,rather,and a warning!/但我敢断言,反改革者对于改革者的毒害,向来就并未放松过,手段的厉害也已经~了。(鲁迅《论“费厄泼顿”应该缓行》) But I can state with certainty that those who oppose reform have never relaxed their efforts to injure reformers,and have always done their worst. ❍ 他当着楚王和南后面前,把南后恭维得~,说她是巫山神女下凡,说她是天下第一,国色无双,把楚王和南后都说得不亦乐乎,而且他还中伤了你呢。(郭沫若《屈原》97) To Their Majesties’ faces he praised the queen very highly,saying that she was a goddess come to earth,the most beautiful woman in the world; and the king and queen were very pleased. He also slandered you. 无以复加wu yi fu jiacould not be more 无以复加could not be more;be in the extreme 残忍到了~的地步cruel in the extreme;height of cruelty 无以复加wú yǐ fù jiā不能再增加了。形容达到了极点。in the extreme, blithering, can hardly be worst |