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单词 无从说起

无从说起wú cóng shuō qǐ

nothing can be done;out of the question
❍ 我们这样做的目的何在呢? 一方面是在保持自己已经取得的阵地,这是我们的战略出发地,丧失了这个阵地就一切~了。(《毛泽东选集》364) What is our purpose in all this? In one respect,it is to hold the ground we have already won,for this ground is our strategic point of departure and its loss would mean the end of everything.
❍ 建立武装部队是建立根据地的最基本一环,没有这个东西,或有了而无力量,一切问题都~。(《毛泽东选集》392) The building up of an armed force is the key to establishing a base area; if there is no armed force or if the armed force is weak,nothing can be done.
❍ 这是一个最基本的问题。这个问题不解决,战争的胜利是~的。(《毛泽东选集》347) This is a fundamental problem. Unless it is solved,victory is out of the question.





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