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单词 posture
释义 posture /'pDstJa(r); 'past/ n 1 [C] attitude of, way of holding, the body: i; 身体的) 姿势;体态: The artist asked his model to take a reclining ~. 艺术家要求他的模特儿作斜躺的姿势。 Good ~ helps you to keep well. 好的姿势帮助你保持健康。 2 [U] state or condition: 状态; 情况: M the present ~ of public affairs. 在目前的政事情况之下。 3 frame of mind; attitude: 心境; 态度: WiH the Government alter its ~ over aid to the railways? 政府会改变其对补助铁路方面的态度吗? vt, vi 1 [VP6A] put or arrange in a 令取某种姿势: ~ a model. 令模特儿摆某种姿势。 2 [VP2A] adopt a vain, pretentious ~: 侮夭势; 装模作样: The vain girl was posturing before a tall mirror. 那个爱虚荣的女郎对着大镜子摆姿势。 pos tur ing n [U, C] (from the y ⑵): (由动词第 2 义转变而来): All this posturing must stop! 所有这些装模作样都必须停止!




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