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单词 口口声声

口口声声kǒu kǒu shēng shēng

go on (/keep on)saying (/declaring/demanding/proclaiming/prating about); say again and again (/repeatedly);talk profusely (/volubly) about
❍ 他自己又~,说要娶个标致的姑娘。墨水差点的,还看不上。(周立波《山乡巨变》 79) What’s more,he always insisted that he wanted a good-looking girl,and would not look at anyone whose complexion lacked perfection.
❍ 如今,她~地说: “我们还是求个好好散场吧。”(周立波《山乡巨变》12) Now she’s always saying,“Let’s have a friendly settlement.”/手头有几个活钱,~,还说要搬到城里去住呢。(周立波《山乡巨变》216) He’s got a bit of spare cash,and he’s always talking about moving to live in town.
❍ 哼,你~要说齐国好,当然有你的理由。(郭沫若《屈原》103) You are always harping on the excellence of the state of Qi,but of course you have your reasons.
❍ 便也不顾别的,~只要找林妹妹去。(《红楼梦》1272) Ignoring all else he just clamoured to go to find Cousin Lin.
❍ 贾政点头道: “我也看来古怪,但是他~的要银子。” (《红楼梦》 1478) Jia Zhen nodded. “I find it strange too,yet he keeps demanding silver.”/你~说我陷害了你的先生,到底我是怎样陷害了他的呢?(郭沫若《屈原》109) You keep on saying that I murdered your master.But how did I murder him?/许多~拥护鲁迅的人们,却正是违背鲁迅的啊!(《毛泽东选集》801) Many who never tire of professing to follow Lu Xun are the very ones who turn their backs on him!/我~说爱国,可是我自己做的事情已经对不起国家,对不起人民。(曹禺《明朗的天》 117) I’ve repeatedly called myself a patriot,but what I have done is detrimental to the country and the people.

口口声声kǒu kǒu shēnɡ shēnɡ

一次又一次地重复同样的话。形容把某件事经常挂在嘴上。say again and again, talk glibly, forever mouthing about, avow time and again





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