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单词 pitch
释义 pitch3 /pit/; pit。”,vi 1 [VP6A] set up, erect (a tent, camp); [VP2A] set up erne's tent or camp. 搭架(帐幕); 扎(世); 搭帐篷; 扎营。 2 [VP6A, 15A, B] throw (a ball, etc); throw (sb or sth out, aside, etc), esp with impatience or energetic dislike: 投; 挪(球等); 摊; 丢弃(某人或某物,后接 out, aside 等): Let's ~ the drunkard out. 我们来把那个醉鬼播出去。 The men were ~ing hay, lifting it, eg into a wagon, with forks. 那些人正在用叉掷干草(于车里)。 '~-fork n long-handled fork with sharp prongs for lifting hay, etc. (叉干草等用的)长柄叉。 vt lift or move with a fork; (fig) thrust (a person) forcibly (into a position, etc). 以叉叉起; 以叉叉去; (喻)强插(某人)(于某一位置等,与 into 连用)。 3 [VP15A] (music) set in a certain pitch(4) or key: (音乐)定为某调: ~ a tune too high/in a louver key. 把一歌曲的调子定得太高(较低)。 This song is ~ed too low for me. 这支歌的调子对我足太低了。 4 [VP2C, 15A, B] (cause to) fall heavily forwards or outwards: (使)向前倾跌; (使)向外捧: He ~ed on his head. 他头朝地跌倒了。 The carriage overturned and the passengers were ~ed out. 车子翻了,乘客都被捧出来。 5 [VP2A, C] (of 8ship) move up and down as the bows rise and fall. (指船)上卞显簸。 0 roll (6). 6 ~ in, set to work with energy. 开始努 W 工作。 ~ into, a attack violently: 猛烈攻击: They ~ed into him. 他们 g 烈攻击他 e b get busy with: 着手; 忙于做某事: We ~ed into the work. 我们开始忙于那件工作。 The hungry boy ~ed into the meatpie, began to eat it. 那个饥饿的男孩开始大吃肉饴饼。 ~ upon, select by chance; light or pick upon: 偶然选中; 倜然发现: ~ upon the most suitable man for the job. 碰巧选到最适当的人做那工作。 7 ~d battle, one that is fought with troops arranged in prepared positions, not a casual encounter. 阵地战(并非 IK 然的遮遇战)。 8 [VP15B, 22] (cricket) cause (the ball) to strike the ground near or armind the wicket: (板球)使(球)碰到三柱门附近的地面: ~ the ball short; 击短会; ~ the ball pitcher/place up a bit; 球投得高一点; (baseball) throw (the ball) to the batter. (棒球) 将 (球) 投向打击手。 ~ wickets, (cricket) fix the stumps in the ground with the bails in place. (板球) 固定三柱门于地上。 9 (sl) teh (a yarn, a story). (俚) 讲 (故事) 。 10 ,■~-and-'toss n game of skill and chance in which coins are ~ed at a mark. 一种向标的掷钱的游戏。




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