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单词 bore
bore1/bɔ:(r)/ v [-d,-d /d/;-eing /rɪ ŋ/]; n

v (1) 钻,凿,挖(make (a hole well tunnel etc) by using a drill or by digging)[I I+prep T+n T+n+prep]:~through rock凿岩洞;~a well 挖井;~a hole(in wood/a wall/the side of a ship)(在木头/墙/船舷上)钻洞;~a tunnel(through a mountain/under the sea)(穿山/在海底)凿隧道; 〖同〗drill;

(2) 掘洞前进(move by digging)[I+prep I+adv T+n+prep T+n+adv]:(mole)~(its way) underground (鼹鼠)在地下钻行;

(3) 艰难地行进(move steadily ahead usu through difficulties)[I+prep(through), T+n+adv(through)]:~on through waves破浪而行;~one's way through a crowd of people在人群中挤行;

→′borer n 钻孔者,钻孔的工具;′borehole n 钻孔;

n (1) 钻孔(deep hole made by drilling into the ground (esp for oil or water))[C] (=borehole);

(2)枪炮的口径(distance across the hollow inside of a gun barrel)[C](尤用于合成词):small-~guns 小口径步枪;a twelve-~shotgun 12毫米口径猎枪





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