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单词 white
white/waɪt/ adj [-r/-st ]; n

adj (1)白色的(of the colour of milk or snow):~paint/rice/hair/light/clouds/wine/snow 白漆/米饭/发/光/云/葡萄酒/雪; a~dress/tooth 一件白色的衣服/一颗白牙; a~flag/tie/ensign 一面白旗/一个白领结/一面英国皇家海军军旗;~horses/cells/wedding 白马/白血球/新娘穿白色婚纱的婚礼;~heat/lead/meat/pepper (尤BrE) 白热(炽)/铅/肉/胡椒;~noise/spirit 白噪音/石油溶剂; a~area/party 白区/反动党派; a dress~from many washings 一件洗了多次而发白的衣服; paint sth~将某物刷成白色; My grandmother went~at the age of fifty. 我的祖母在50岁时头发就白了。Her hair has gone (turned)~. 她的头发已发白。Do you prefer your coffee black or~? 你喜欢喝黑咖啡还是加牛奶的咖啡? a~Christmas/winter 一个多雪的圣诞节/冬天; a~spirit/day 纯洁的心灵/良辰吉日; a~lie (fig) 无关紧要的谎言;~nurses 白衣护士;~water/coal/space(fig)无色的水/水力发电/空白的地方; the W~House 白宫(美国总统的官邸);W~Paper(BrE)白皮书;〖同〗snowy;〖反〗black,inky;

(2)白种人的(having light-coloured skin)[无comp]:a~neighbourhood/settler/school/area 白人居住区/定居者/学校/地区;~people/skin 白种人/皮肤;She is~and he is coloured. 她是白种人,他是有色人种。

(3)苍白的(pale)[A(with)]:She went~with fury/anger/shock. 她因暴怒/愤怒/震惊而面色苍白。Her face was(went/turned)~. 她面色苍白。lips/faces~with fear 吓得嘴唇/脸色苍白;~-faced/-lipped 脸色/嘴唇苍白的; in a~rage 震怒;〖同〗colourless,pale,bloodless,grey;〖反〗rosy,red,pink;

(as)white as a sheet 苍白的:Her face turned (went) as~as a sheet when she heard the sudden death of her daughter. 当她听到女儿突然死去的消息时,顿时脸色苍白。

(as) white as snow 雪白的: Her reputation is as~as snow. 她的名声像雪一样洁白。an old woman with hair as~as snow 一位白发苍苍的老妇人;

a white elephant 笨重无用的物品:What you gave us is nothing but a~elephant. 你给我们的只不过是一件没用的废物。

→′whitebait n 银白色小鱼;͵white-′collar adj 白领的;͵white-′hot adj 白热的;炽热的;′whiten v 使……变白;′whiteness n 白色;′whitish adj 发白的;′whitewash adj & vt 白色涂料;粉刷;

n(1)白色,白色颜料(white colour or paint)[U]:silver/milk~银/乳白色;If you mix the colours of the rainbow together in equal parts you get~. 如果你将彩虹的七色以相等的比例合在一起,你将得到白色。Put more~into the red to make the paint paler. 在红色中多搀些白色使涂料浅些。The~of the snow was marred by the traffic. 洁白的雪被过往的行人车辆弄脏了。I want your promise in black and~. 我想要你把你的诺言白纸黑字地写下来。pictures in black and~一些黑白照片; call~black 指黑为白;turn~into black 颠倒黑白;

(2)白色衣物(材料)(white clothes or material)[U;Cpl]: a bride dressed all in~穿一身白色婚纱的新娘; nurses in spotless~穿着洁白衣服的护士; tennis~s 白色网球运动服; Don't wash the~s with coloureds,or the~s will be coloured. 不要把白色衣服与有颜色的衣服一起洗,否则白衣服会被染色的。

(3)蛋白(清)(white part of an egg)[CU]:The recipe says to separate the yolks from the~s. 食谱上讲要把蛋黄和蛋白分开。Beat three egg~s until stiff. 把三个鸡蛋的蛋白打稠。Mix the~s of two eggs and sugar together and beat it. 把两个鸡蛋的蛋白和糖一起打好。

(4)白种人(white-skinned person)[C]:blacks and~s 黑种人和白种人; marry a~同一个白种人结婚; This seat is not for~s only. 这个座位不是白种人专用的。

(5)眼白(white part of an eye)[C]:The~s of his eyes are bloodshot. 他的白眼珠充血了。turn up the~s of one's eyes 翻白眼





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