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单词 烹调

烹调pēnɡ tiáoCooking

白灼 [bái zhuó] scalding
半生熟的 [bàn shēnɡ shú de] medium (medium cooked; meat still pink)
剥 [bāo] peel; pare
煲 [bāo] simmer
煲烂 [bāo làn] boil tender
薄片 [báo piàn] chip
保久冰盒 [bǎo jiǔ bīnɡ hé] ice chest
暴食 [bào shí] gluttony
爆 [bào] sauteing
焙 [bèi] dry over a fire
不带甜味的 [bú dài tián wèi de] dry
不熟的 [bù shú de] rare (slightly cooked; blood present)
不太熟 [bú tài shú] underdone
材料 [cái liào] ingredients
菜场 [cài chǎnɡ] market
残羹残渣 [cán ɡēnɡ cán zhā] hog slop; remains
馋嘴 [chán zuǐ] greediness
尝 [chánɡ] taste
炒 [chǎo] stir-fry; stir-frying
陈 [chén] stale; tainted
陈腐 [chén fǔ] stale; tainted
成熟 [chénɡ shú] ripe
吃 [chī] eat
臭 [chòu] stinking; smelly
啜饮 [chuò yǐn] sip
葱花 [cōnɡ huā] chopped scallion pieces
粗 [cū] rough
脆 [cuì] crisp
淡而无味 [dàn ér wú wèi] flat; insipid
调味 [tiáo wèi] seasoning
调味汁 [tiáo wèi zhī] dressing; starchy sauce
丁 [dīnɡ] dice (the die-like cube shape of food as in chicken pieces)
冻 [dònɡ] frozen
炖 [dùn] stewing
剁 [duò] chop; cut; carve
剁肉 [duò ròu] cut meat
剁碎 [duò suì] mincing
发霉 [fā méi] mildew; get moldy
反胃 [fǎn wèi] nausea
肥 [féi] rich; fat
封盖 [fēnɡ ɡài] sealing
腐臭 [fǔ chòu] nauseous smell
腐烂 [fǔ làn] rot
馥郁食品 [fù yù shí pǐn] rich food
干的 [ɡān de] dry
干烧 [ɡān shāo] pan-broil
刚出笼 [ɡānɡ chū lónɡ] piping hot; hot from the oven
勾芡 [ɡōu qiàn] pouring starchy sauce over the dish
滚热的 [ɡǔn rè de] piping hot
过熟 [ɡuò shú] over-done
喝汤 [hē tānɡ] drink the soup
烘 [hōnɡ] baking; bake
红烧 [hónɡ shāo] braising; fricasseeing
糊 [hú] paste
回帖 [huí tiē] card in acknowledgement
荤油 [hūn yóu] animal tallow
鸡丁 [jī dīnɡ] diced chicken; chicken cubes
急吞 [jí tūn] bolt
佳肴 [jiā yáo] delicacies
煎 [jiān] pan-frying
煎黄的 [jiān huánɡ de] browned
焦辣 [jiāo là] red-hot
浇泼 [jiāo pō] add a dash
浇头 [jiāo tóu] garnish; dressing
浸 [jìn] steep in
精 [jīnɡ] lean
焗 [jū] braise
开胃 [kāi wèi] stimulate/whet/enhance the appetite
烤 [kǎo] broil; roast; grill; barbecue
可口的 [kě kǒu de] delicious
口渴 [kǒu kě] thirsty
口味 [kǒu wèi] taste
苦 [kǔ] bitter
快炒 [kuài chǎo] sauteing
快锅煮 [kuài ɡuō zhǔ] pressure cook
腊制 [là zhì] curing
辣 [là] hot; peppery ; pungent
狼吞虎咽 [lánɡ tūn hǔ yàn] eat like a horse
老 [lǎo] tough
溜 [liū] fricassee; fricassee
略熟的 [lüè shú de] medium-rare (moderately cooked; meat still red)
略咸 [lüè xián] a little salty
美味的 [měi wèi de] delicious
焖 [mèn] stewing
焖干 [mèn ɡān] boil away
名菜 [mínɡ cài] famous dish; specialty (of the house)
拿手菜 [ná shǒu cài] famous dish; specialty (of the house)
奶油糖衣 [nǎi yóu tánɡ yī] butter icing; frosting
难消化 [nán xiāo huà] heavy
嫩 [ nèn] rare; tender
嫩煮 [nèn zhǔ] underdo
腻 [nì] rich; fat
酿 [niànɡ] stuffing
浓 [nónɡ] thick
扒 [pá] frying and simmering
泡浸 [pào jìn] soaking
配料 [pèi liào] subsidiary ingredient
配头 [pèi tóu] garnish; dressing
烹饪书 [pēnɡ rèn shū] cookbook
偏食 [piān shí] choosy/choosey about one’s food
片 [piàn] slice
破肚子 [pò dù zi] disembowelment
芡 [qiàn] dressing; starchy sauce
切 [qiē] chop; cut; carve
切丁 [qiē dīnɡ] dicing; cubing; dice; cube
切片 [qiē piàn] slicing; slice
切丝 [qiē sī] shredding
清淡 [qīnɡ dàn] light; mild
去壳 [qù ké] shelling
去鳞 [qù lín] scaling
去皮 [qù pí] skinning; peeling
全只 [quán zhī] whole (body)
韧 [rèn] tough
溶 [rónɡ] melt
溶化 [rónɡ huà] dissolve
揉 [róu] knead
乳酪 [rǔ lào] cheese
软 [ruǎn] soft
洒胡椒粉 [sǎ hú jiāo fěn] sprinkled with pepper
涩 [sè] astringent
筛 [shāi] sift
膻 [shān] rank smell of mutton
上粉 [shànɡ fěn] rolling in starch
上浆 [shànɡ jiānɡ] dipping in batter
烧 [shāo] roast
烧得恰到好处 [shāo dé qià dào hǎo chù] done to a turn
烧焦 [shāo jiāo] burned
烧烤 [shāo kǎo] carbonado
生 [shēnɡ] raw
食料处理 [shí liào chǔ lǐ] processing of food-stuffs
食谱 [shí pǔ] cookbook
使稠 [shǐ chóu] thicken
适中 [shì zhōnɡ] medium
瘦 [shòu] lean
熟透 [shú tòu] well-done
松 [sōnɡ] short
馊 [sōu] gone bad; spoiled; tainted
酥 [sū] short; crisp; fluffy
速冻食品 [sù dònɡ shí pǐn] quick frozen food
酸 [suān] sour
蒜臭 [suàn chòu] garlicky
碎肉 [suì ròu] minced meat
太咸 [tài xián] too salty
烫 [tànɡ] scalding
填料 [tián liào] stuffing
涂抹 [tú mǒ] coat
屠宰 [tú zǎi] slaughtering
脱水食品 [tuō shuǐ shí pǐn] dehydrated food
脱水蔬菜 [tuō shuǐ shū cài] dehydrated vegetable
煨 [wēi] simmering; coddle
微酸 [wēi suān] acidulous
未成熟 [wèi chénɡ shú] raw
味美 [wèi měi] delicious; tasty
味浓 [wèi nónɡ] highly seasoned
卫生 [wèi shēnɡ] sanitation
温 [wēn] warm
文火 [wén huǒ] slow fire
无味 [wú wèi] tasteless; flat
细 [xì] fine
鲜 [xiān] delicious; tasty
咸 [xián] salty
馅 [xiàn] stuffing
香 [xiānɡ] fragrant
湘菜 [xiānɡ cài] Hunan cuisine
削 [xiāo] peel; pare
消毒 [xiāo dú] sterilize
辛辣味 [xīn là wèi] piquancy
新鲜 [xīn xiān] fresh
腥 [xīnɡ] rank smell of fish
腥气 [xīnɡ qì] fishy taste
熏 [xūn] smoking
腌制 [yān zhì] pickling
野味 [yě wèi] (wild) game animal
一道菜 [yí dào cài] one courses
一小片 [yì xiǎo piàn] tidbit; titbit
异国风味的 [yì ɡuó fēnɡ wèi de] exotic
硬 [yìnɡ] hard
油垢 [yóu ɡòu] soiled greasy
油腻 [yóu nì] oily; greasy
油渣 [yóu zhā] scraps
粤菜 [yuè cài] Cantonese/Guangdong cuisine
炸 [zhà] deep-frying
炸得透 [zhà dé tòu] thoroughly fried
炸猪油 [zhà zhū yóu] frying; rendering
沾 [zhān] steep in
沾作料 [zhān zuó liào] dip in sauce
掌握火候 [zhǎnɡ wò huǒ hòu] fire/heat control
招牌菜 [zhāo pái cài] famous dish; specialty (of the house)
浙宁菜 [zhè nínɡ cài] Zhejiang-Ningbo cuisine
蒸 [zhēnɡ] steaming
整只 [zhěnɡ zhī] whole (body)
止渴 [zhǐ kě] quench the thirst
炙 [zhì] broil; roast; grill; barbecue
煮 [zhǔ] cooking; cook; boil
煮成半熟 [zhǔ chénɡ bàn shú] parboiling
煮老 [zhǔ lǎo] well-done
煮嫩 [zhǔ nèn] under-done; under-cooked
主料 [zhǔ liào] main ingredient
装罐 [zhuānɡ ɡuàn] canning
装饰料 [zhuānɡ shì liào] garnish; dressing
作料 [zuó liào] ingredients


cook (dishes)
中国式~Chinese cuisine; Chinese cooking/~技术cooking skills; culinary art





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更新时间:2025/3/3 7:10:09