蒸zhēnɡⅠ ❶ (蒸发) evaporate ❷ (利用水蒸气的热力使食物熟或热) steam: ~ 馒头 steam bun; steam bread; 把剩饭 ~ 一 ~ warm the leftovers up in the steamer Ⅱ {中医} (将药物隔水蒸熟) steaming ◆蒸饼 steamed cake; 蒸发 {物} {化} evaporation; evaporate; 蒸锅 steamer; a pot for steaming food; 蒸化 ageing; 蒸饺 steamed dumpling (with meat and vegetable stuffing); 蒸馏 {化} {物} distillation; distill; 蒸馏水 distilled water; 蒸笼 food steamer (usu. made of bamboo); decating; 蒸呢 blown finish; blowing; {纺} decatizing; decating; 蒸气 steam; vapour; 蒸汽 vapour; reek; breath; steam; 蒸汽机 steam engine; steamer; 蒸汽浴 vapour-bath; sauna (bath); estuarium; steam bath; 蒸球 (指造纸) rotary spherical digester; 蒸食 steamed wheaten foods; 蒸腾 (of steam) rising; 蒸蒸日上 be on the upgrade; be in the ascendant; be prospering with each passing day; become more prosperous every day; ever more flourishing; vigorous and fast developing |