烽fēnɡ ❶ (古时发的战斗信号) beacon ❷ [书] (战火) flames of war ❸ [书] (烽火台) beacon tower ◆烽火 beacon-fire (used to give border alarm in ancient China);beacon;flames of war; 烽火连连 continuous wars; 烽火连年 continuous wars for years;flames of battle raging for many years; 烽火连天 the flames of war raging across the length and breadth of the region;flames of battle raging everywhere; 烽火燎原 The flames of war spread far and wide.; 烽火为号 send up signals by means of smoke in the daytime or flaming torches at night; 烽烟 beacon-fire;beacon; 烽烟遍地 A beacon fire is found everywhere — in time of trouble.; 烽烟滚滚 The flames of war are raging.; 烽烟四起 uprisings of war everywhere;a land beset by war; 烽烟未熄 Beacon fires are not yet extinguished.;The war is still going on. |