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单词 bond
bond/bɒnd, AmE bɑ:nd/ n v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1) 契约,合同(written agreement or promise with legal force)[C]:enter into a~with sb 与……订合同;sign a~签署契约;Many people see marriage as a permanent~. (fig) 许多人视婚姻为永久的约束。

(2) 公债,债券(printed paper given out by a government or a company acknowledging that money has been lent to it and will be paid back with interest)[C]:National Savings~s国家储蓄债券; Government~s国库券;buy~s at the high interest rate offered购买高利率的债券;Stocks and~s can be good investments.股票和债券是很好的投资。

(3) 关(联)系,纽带(sth that unites or joints people or groups together; link or tie)[C,常pl]:the~s of friendship/affection/matrimony友谊/感情/婚姻的纽带;the~s of party discipline党纪的约束; the~between mother and child母子间的情感;There is a strong~between the two brothers/countries/nations.这俩兄弟/国家/国家之间有着牢不可破的关系。strengthen the~s between...加强……间的联系;〖同〗tie,link,connection;

(4) 联(结)合,黏合(state of being joined or stuck together)[Ua~]:This glue/paste makes a good firm~.这种胶水/浆糊粘东西很牢。make a strong~between the pieces of wood使两块木头黏合得很结实;

(5) 锁链,绳索(ropes or chains binding a prisoner)[pl]:The captive could not break his~s.俘虏挣不脱捆绑。release a prisoner from his~s 给囚犯松绑; the~s of oppression/tyranny/injustice (fig) 压迫/暴政/不公平的桎梏;〖同〗bindings,fastenings,rope,chains;

in/out of bond 扣在/提出保税仓库:place goods in/take goods out of~把货物扣在保税仓库中(以待纳税)/(纳税后)把货物从保税仓库中提出;goods in~扣在保税仓库待纳税的货物;

one's word is (as good as) one's bond 说话可信:An honest man's word is his~.诚实人的话完全可信。My word is my~.我说话算数。

v (1)联(黏)结((cause to)stick securely together)[I+adv(together), T+n+prep(to), T+n+adv(together)]:These two substances won't~together.这两种物质粘不到一块去。~wood to metal/plastic to wood把木头和金属/塑料和木头粘到一起;Societies have always been~ed together by a threat from outside.社会总是因外来的威胁而联结为一体。

(2) 把……扣在保税仓库(put (goods) into a bonded warehouse)[T+n]:~ed whisky/cigarettes保税的威士忌/香烟;~ed warehouse保税仓库;

→′bonded adj 尚未纳税的;黏合而成的;′bondadge n 束缚;奴役;′bondsman n 奴隶; ′bondswoman n 女奴隶;′bondservant n 奴仆;′bondholder n 债券持有人;

【辨异】bondlink都可指“联系,纽带”。bond强调强烈持久的感情上的联系,而tie (联系,纽带)更多的是指责任、义务等联系,如:family ties(家庭关系)。





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