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❶ (常绿灌木,嫩叶加工后就是茶叶) tea plant
❷ (用茶叶做成的饮料) tea: 淡[浓] ~ weak [strong] tea;
红[绿] ~ black [green] tea;
菊[茉莉]花 ~ chrysanthemum [jasmine] tea;
沏 ~ make tea;
头泡 ~ the first infusion of tea
❸ (某些饮料的名称) certain kinds of drink or liquid food: 面 ~ seasoned millet mush;
杏仁 ~ almond paste
❹ (指油茶树) tea-oil tree
❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 明 Cha Ming
◆茶杯 teacup;
茶博士 tearoom keeper;[旧] waiter in a teahouse;steward;
茶场 tea plantation;estate;
茶匙 teaspoon;(容量) teaspoonful;
茶炊 (茶汤壶) tea-urn;(俄式) samovar;
茶袋 tea bag;
茶淡情浓 This tea is rather weak,but our friendship is strong.;
茶道 tea ceremony;
茶点 tea cake;tea;tea and pastries;refresh ̄ ments;
茶碟儿 saucer;
茶底儿 tea dregs;
茶饭 food and drinks;
茶坊 tearoom;tea house;
茶缸(子) mug;tea mug;
茶馆[楼] teahouse;
茶壶 teapot;tea-kettle;
茶话会 tea party;tea reception;tea forum;
茶会 tea party;
茶几 tea table;teapoy;side table;end table;
茶碱 theophyllinum;theophylline;theocin;{化} theine;
茶巾 tea cloth;
茶晶 citrine;yellow quartz;
茶镜 tawny glasses;yellow coloured glass;
茶具 tea set;tea-things;tea service;
茶农 tea grower [peasant;planter];茶盘 tea tray;teaboard;
茶钱 payment for tea (in a teahouse);tip;
茶青 tea-green colour;brownish-green;
茶色 dark brown;tawny;
茶树 tea;tea plant;teabush;tea tree;
茶水 tea water;
茶托 saucer;
茶碗 teacup;teabowl;
茶味(儿) tea flavour;
茶锈 tea stain;
茶叶 tea;tea-leaves;
茶油 tea-seed oil;tea oil;{中医} camellia oil;Oleum camelliae;
茶余饭饱[后] over a cup of tea or after a meal — at one's leisure;in leisure moments;at one's sparetime;
茶园 tea plantation;a place where tea and soft drinks are served;tea garden;
茶盅 tea-cup;
茶砖 brick tea;
茶座 teahouse;saloon;seats in a teahouse or tea garden






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