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单词 voice
voice/vɔ ɪs/ n [-s/ ɪz/]; vt [-s/ ɪz/]

n (1)声音,嗓子(sound or sounds uttered through the mouth esp of human beings in speakingshouting singing etc)[C U]:speak in a loud/low/rough/husky/gentle/quiet/kind/sympathetic~大声/低声/粗鲁/沙哑/轻柔/悄然/和蔼/同情地说;speak in an angry~ 气愤地说;speak with a deep rich~用深沉浑厚的声音说;at the top of one's~高声地;a good/sweet/pleasant~嗓音好/甜润/悦耳;have a soprano singing~有唱高音的嗓子;The boy's~is breaking. 这男孩的嗓子在变声。His~shakes/trembles with emotion. 由于感情冲动,他的话音震颤/发抖。“Telephone, Laura!”a~cried from the house.“电话,劳拉!”屋里传出一个人的叫声。hear a~shouting to sb 听到喊叫某人的声音;keep one’s~down 不大声说话;lift up/lower one's~抬高/压低嗓门(讲话);raise one's~against the plan 高声反对这个计划;raise one's~when addressing an audience 对观众讲话时提高嗓门;I don't want to have to raise my~to you again. 我不想再和你(生气)大声喊。(conversation)be conducted in low~s(对话)在低声进行;~box 喉;~channel 电话信道;~-over(电影)话外音;〖同〗speech,tone,intonation;〖反〗dumbness,muteness,speechlessness,voicelessness;

(2)发言能力(the ability to utter sound)[U]:have no~嗓子哑;speak/sing in good (poor/excellent)~以正常(不正常/悦耳)的嗓音说/唱;(choir) be in good/poor/excellent~ (合唱队)声音好听/不好听/非常悦耳;lose one’s~as the result of a bad cold/all the shouting 由于严重感冒/一阵大喊而失音;find one's~after the flu 流感后嗓音恢复;commands given in a firm tone of~以坚定有力的声音发出命令;〖同〗speech,tone,delivery,intonation;〖反〗dumbness,muteness,speechlessness;

(3)发言权,意见(right or power to present and receive consideration of one's desires or opinions)[Ua~][N(in)](fig):have little/some/a~in the matter (the decision of the directors/educational affairs) 对这个问题(经理的决定/教育问题)没什么/有些/有发言权;(crowd) be all of one~(人群)发出异口同声的呼喊;ask for sb's resignation/refuse sth with one~异口同声地要求某人辞职/拒绝某事;My~has little effect in these discussions. 我的意见在讨论中不起什么作用。〖同〗vote,say,role;will,desire;

(4)愿望,喉舌(means of expressing will or desire)[C sing]:(sb/politician)ignore/heed/represent/follow the~of the people(某人/政治家)忽视/重视/代表/遵循人民的意愿;listen to the~of reason/conscience/experience/dissent 倾听理性/良知/经验/反对的声音;He is regarded as the~of the moderates. 他被认为是稳健派的代言人。The party became the~of the workers. 该党已成为工人的喉舌。V~of America (VOA) 美国之音;the still small~良心的呼声;

(5)语态(verb of indicating the relation between the subject and the action expressed by the verb)[Csing]:write the sentence in the passive/active~用被动/主动语态写出这个句子;In“John was struck by him”,the verb is in the passive~. 在“约翰被他打了”一句中,动词为被动语态。

(6)声部(any of the melodic parts for a musical composition) [C]:(song) be arranged for(singing by) three~s (歌曲)改编为由三个声部(演唱);(composition) be written for~and orchestra(乐曲)为声部和管弦乐队而谱写;〖同〗singer;

give voice to one's feeling/indignation/dismay/concern/joy(fml)表达感情/义愤/沮丧/关切/喜悦:I'm sure I am giving~to what we all feel in wishing our chairman a quick recovery. 我确信我表达了大家希望我们的主席尽快康复的关切之情。

make one's voice heard 表达意见(感情等):We want a chance to make our~(s) heard. 我们想有机会表达一下我们的见解。

→′voiceless adj 无声的;

vt (1)表达 (express;proclaim)[T+n]:~one's admiration/one's discontent/one's grievance/one's dissatisfaction/one's opinions/one's objections 表达自己的羡慕之情/不满/不平/不满意/见解/反对意见;~the sentiment/the wrongs/the feeling of the time 表达情绪/委屈/当时的感情;~rare praise说出少有的赞美之辞;Some opposition to this arrangement was~d in the U. S. House of Representatives. 美众议院对此项安排表示反对。〖同〗state,express,declare,proclaim,announce,utter,say,air;

(2)发成浊音(utter with the voice)[T+n]:~d consonants 浊辅音;“Th” should be~d in“this” but not in “think”. “this”中的“th”发成浊音,而“think”中的“th”则不然。/z/ and /v/ are~d;/s/ and /f/ are not. /z/和/v/是浊音,而/s/和/f/不是。To pronounce “library” properly, you must~both r's. 为了使“library”发音准确,一定要把两个 /r/ 发出声音来。〖同〗pronounce,utter,speak;

→voiced adj 讲出来的,口头的;






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