释义 |
changen. 1. passing (of seasons),passage (季节的)消逝,推移。 △Rom.1.2.9: “She hath not seen the change offourteen years;” i.e. She is not yet fourteen yearsold. 她还不满十四岁。 2. change of fortune命运的变化。 △As.1.3.105 (102):“And do not seek to take your change upon you,/ Tobear your griefs yourself,and leave me out;”不要为了命运的变迁而独自伤心(又可译为:不要想自己去承担厄运而独自伤心),把我撇在一边。 3. change of mood情绪的变化。 △3H.VI.4.4.1:“Madam,what makes you in this sudden change?”i.e. What causes this sudden change in you? What isthe cause of this sudden change of mood in you?娘娘,你为什么突然发生这种情绪变化? 4. changing humour,caprice,capriciousness变化的脾气,任性,喜怒无常。 △Lr.1.1.291 (288):“You see how full of changes his age is;”你看他人一老,脾气多么变化不定。 5. exchange交换,交流。 △Ado.4.1.185(183):“Main-tained the change of words with any creature,”和任何人进行交谈。 △H.V.4.8.29 (28): “My liege,this wasmy glove,here is the fellow of it; and he that I gaveit to in change promised to wear it in his cap.”陛下,这是我的手套,这里是跟它配对的另一只;我跟一个人交换过手套,他答应把它戴在帽子上。 6. a boy’s voice after it has broken男孩子变嗓后的说话声音。 △Mer.3.4.66: “And speak between the changeof man and boy/with a reed voice,”说话时用才成年的男孩子的尖锐而刺耳的嗓音。 7. modulation (乐曲的)变调。 △Gent.4.2.69 (68):“fine change is in the music”,乐曲中美妙的变调。 8. figure in a dance where there are changes of pat-tern舞蹈式样的变化。 △H.VIII.4.2.82s.d.:“and,atcertain changes,the first two hold a spare garland o-ver her head,at which the other four make reverend curtsies.”在变换舞蹈花样时,前两个人把一个备用的花冠举在她的头上,此时其余四人即向她行屈膝礼。 9. a round in dancing (跳舞)一圈,一回,一场。 △L.L.L.5.2.210 (209): “Then in our measure do but vouchsafe one change.”那么在这舞会里请答应陪我跳上一场。 10. variation,fickleness变化,变化无常。 △R.III.3.5.79 (80): “Moreover,urge his hateful luxury / Andbestial appetite in change of lust.”i.e. constantly de-siring new mistresses. 此外,还可以提出他那可憎的淫荡,而且他的淫欲又像畜生一样不断变换着胃口。 changes of vexation: vexatious changes使人烦恼的变化。 △Oth.1.1.71:“Though that his joy be joy,Yetthrow such changes of vexation on ’t,/ As it may lose some colour.”虽然他的欢乐是真欢乐,我们要给他加点使他烦恼的变化,让他的欢乐减色。(按:changes一词,亦作chances=possibilities.)
changevt. exchange交换。 △As.1.3. 94 (91): “Wiltthou change fathers?”你愿意换一换父亲吗? △Rom.3.5.31: “Some say the lark and loathed toad changeeyes; /O now I would they had changed voices too,”(The toad has an ugly voice but beautiful eyes; thelark has a beautiful voice but ugly eyes.This led tothe common saying among the people.)有人说云雀曾经和癞蛤蟆交换过眼睛;啊,我但愿它们也交换了声音。 △Ham.1.2.163:“I’ll change that name with you.”i.e. I’ll ex-change the name “servant” with you;I am your serv-ant. 我愿意和你换个称呼。 △Lr.4.2.17:“I must changearms at home,and give the distaff / Into myhusband’s hands.”我得在家里交换标志(又译:武器),把纺线杆塞到我丈夫手里。 △Oth.4.3.99 (96):“What is it thatthey do / When they change us for others?”他们甩了我们又换别人,这是为了什么呢? △1H.VI.1.1.151:“Four oftheir lords I’ll change for one of ours.”我要用他们的四个贵族来换我们的一个。 ~ vi. 1. change in complexion,turn pale,lose colour变脸色,变得苍白,失色。 △Ado.5.1.143 (140): “By thislight,he changes more and more. I think he be angryindeed.”天哪,他的脸色越变越难看了。我想他是真生气了。 △2H.IV.4. 5. 6:“His eye is hollow,and he changesmuch.”他的眼睛凹陷下去,脸色也大变了。 2. change countenance,alter expression改变面部表情,改变表情。 △Oth.3.3.326 (325): “The Moor alreadychanges with my poison.”摩尔人已经因为我的毒药而变了神色。 △H.V.2.2.73:“Look ye how they change!”你们看,他们神色变得多么厉害! change[tʃeindӠ]n. 改变,变化,变革,转化,找回的零钱,找头,辅币 v. 改变,更迭,更动,更改,更换,兑换,变声,变调,换步 ◇ a change of heart 改邪归正,变心 change about 见异思迁 change down 降速 change for 替换 change in address 住址变更 change into 变成,兑换 change of scenery 换景 change one’s condition 结婚 change one’s mind 改变计划 change out 交替 change over 调换 change over to 过渡到,变成 change residence 迁居 change the cause of action 变更诉讼的原因 change the original sentence 改判 change the venue 改变审判地点 change up 开快 change with 随…而变 for a change 为了改变一下 get no change out of sb.不能胜过某人 put the change on sb.欺骗某人 ‖ accounting changes 会计方法改变 change a bill 换成零钱 change a social system 改制 change a string 换弓弦 change agent 改变代理人,变革推动者 change attitude of viewing sons as better than daughters 破除重男轻女习俗 change backward production methods 改变落后生产方式 change ball 换球 change banknotes for coin 以票换币 change beat 变换交叉击打,挂剑交叉 change breath换气 change colour 变色 change column 价格变动栏 change course 改变航向 change direction 变线,改变方向,转向 change direction of block shot 推挡变线 change direction of the ball 改变球路 change- doublethree 变刃3字形 change edge 变刃 change ends 交换场地 change foot 换脚 change foot camel spin 燕式转换足 change foot sit spin 蹲转换足 change foot spin 换脚旋转 change from rural to non-rural 农转非 change-of-direction dribble 变向运球 change of title 产权变更,所有权变更 change of venue 变更审判地点 change of weather 变天 change of year end 更改财政年度结算日期 change on one method 不归零法 change one’s ideas 转变观念 change one’s name 更名 change one’s rural residence to urban residence 农转非 change one’s thinking 转变观念 change or exchange 对换 change over套汇周期 changeover area 接力区 changeover mark 接力区标志 change parry变换防守 change players 换人 change record 变动记录 change request 变动请求 change residence 迁居,迁徙 change service courts 互换方位,互换左右发球区 change sides in a war 倒戈 change sides 交换攻守 change so flaw 法的变化 change step 变刃步 change stop hit 变换交叉反攻,变换阻止刺 change the appearance 改头换面 change the date 改期 change the government functions 改变政府职能 change the leg 改换步伐 change the side 攻守互换 change the term of office 换届 change the world 改天换地 change theory 变迁理论 change to another political or economic system 转轨 change track 换道 change trains 中转 change within society 社会内变迁 changes in accounting estimate 会计估价变动 changes in accounting principle 会计原则变动 direct changes 直接兑换 money changer货币兑换商 changed in demand of capital 资本需求变动 changing bag 暗袋 changing direction of black shot 推挡变线 changing ends 交换场地 changing frame rates 变速摄影 changing gear 变速 changing note 替换音 changing the formation 变换队形 changing the water 换水 changing tone 换音 changing weight 可变权数 changeability n.可变性,易变性,不确定性 changeable[ˈtʃeindӠəbl]adj. 可(易)变的 changeably adv. changeful adj. 易变的,不稳定的,富于变化的 changefully adv.多变地,易变地 changeless adj. 不变的,确定的,单调的 changemaker n. 换零钱机 changement n.changer n. 改变者,动摇者,货币兑换商 change-over n. 转换,改变 changer n. 兑换店 change-room n. 更衣室 |