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单词 风起云涌

风起云涌fēng qǐ yún yǒng

erupt (/rage) like a storm; gain momentum; like a rising wind and scudding clouds; roll on with full force; surge ahead(/forward/high); spring up everywhere;in a raging (/tempestuous) upsurge (/growth)
❍ 然而,大部分是因为市场的需要,社会科学的译著又蜂起云涌了,较为可看的和很要不得的都杂陈在书摊上,开始寻求正确的知识的读者们已经在惶惑。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—102)Owing largely to this demand,however,translated works of social science are pouring out thick and fast,and the relatively better ones rub shoulders on the bookstalls with the worst,so that readers beginning to look for accurate information are bewildered.
❍ 斗争烽火遍及西南,游击武装~。(罗广斌、杨益言 《红岩》87) The flames of battle have spread all over the Southwest and armed guerilla forces are springing up everywhere.
❍ 在那~的日子里,天津的五四运动,与北京和全国各地相呼应,正在高潮。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅱ—5)In those stormy days,the May 4th Movement was in full swing in Tianjin as it was in Beijing and other parts of the country.

风起云涌云(水)fēnɡ qǐ yún yǒnɡ

比喻事物不断涌现,声势浩大。rolling on with full force, spread like a storm, in a raging upsurge, be raging





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