鹅(鵝);[䳘、鵞]é (一种家禽) goose:一群 ~ a drove [flock] of geese;~ 叫。 Geese cackle. ◆鹅观草 Roegneria kamoji; 鹅黄 light yellow; 鹅颈 gooseneck;swan-neck; 鹅口疮 {医} thrush;mycotic stomatitis; 鹅卵石 cobblestone;cobble;grail; 鹅毛大雪 large snowflakes;fluffy snow;Large snowflakes were falling.;Snowflakes whirled in the sky like a myriad of feathers.; 鹅群 gaggle; 鹅绒 goose down; 鹅肉 goose; 鹅头[鹅颈形]起重杆 gooseneck boom; 鹅行鸭步 go as slowly as ducks or geese do;waddle along like a duck or a goose;waddle (like a goose);walk like ducks or geese;walk with a swagger; 鹅掌风 {中医} fungal infection of the hand;tinea manuum; 鹅掌楸 {植} Liriodendron Chinense;(Chinese) tulip tree;tulip poplar;basswood; 鹅爪 goose-claw nails |