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单词 鸿篇巨制

鸿篇巨制鸿篇巨著hóng piān jù zhì

a monumental masterpiece
❍ 潜心于他的~,为未来的文化设想,固然是很好的,但为现在抗争,却也正是为现在和未来的战斗的作者,因为失掉了现在,也就没有了未来。(鲁迅《且介亭杂文》序言) It is of course very fine to devote oneself to producing a monumental masterpiece for the sake of the civilization of the future; however,writers fighting for the present are embattled both for the present and the future,for if we lose the present we have no future either.
❍ 然其力之及于人心者甚大,又或有文人起而结集润色之,则亦为~之胚胎也。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》127) Though often crude,uneven and hardly worth reading,they had a strong hold on the people. Some were polished and edited by scholars to form the base of later masterpieces.

鸿篇巨制hónɡ piān jù zhì

鸿:大;篇:篇章;制:指著作。形容著作规模巨大、篇幅很长。a master piece, a monumental masterpiece, a master-work





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