释义 |
风流人物fēng liú rén wùa celebrity; an original genius; a gallant; heroes; men of the day; truly great (and noble-hearted) men;a romantic fellow(/scholar) ❍ 想这恒王也是第一~了。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》202) This prince must be a most gallant man. ❍ 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古~。(苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》)The Grand River flows east,its waves having swept away heroes and all through the ages. ❍ 数~,还看今朝。(毛泽东《沁园春·雪》) For truly great men|Look to this age alone. ❍ 更兼贾芹也是~,打量芳官等出家,只是小孩子性儿,便去招惹他们。(《红楼梦》1214)Jia Qin was a romantic. In his view it had simply been a childish whim which made these actresses enter a convent,and accordingly he went to dally with them. ❍ 他喜爱~,…… (《水浒全传》12) He took pleasure in meeting gay,stylish men,…/妇人家水性,见了衙内这般~,再着些甜话儿调和他,不由他不肯。(《水浒全传》89) A woman’s heart is as unstable as water,and when she sees you,my lord,so handsome and so bewitching,and using sweet talk to move her,then surely she will be willing. 风流人物feng liu ren wuman of untrammeled spirit 风流人物truly great man 风流人物truly great man;heroes 俱往矣,数~,还看今朝。(毛泽东词《雪》)All are past and gone.For truly great men,look to this age alone.(Mao Zedong’s poem Snow) 风流人物fēnɡ liú rén wù风流:杰出的、潇洒的。比喻对时代有影响的人物。truly great men, an original genius, a romantic person |