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单词 version
version/′vɜ:⨜n,′-ʒn, AmE ′vɜ:rʒn/ n

(1)描述(说法)(account from one point of view)[C]:Manson didn't have/contradict the~of the affair/the accident/the case. 曼森并未听取/反驳对这一事情/事故/案子的描述。The newspapers gave different/contradictory~s of what had occurred (what the President said). 报纸对发生的事情(对总统的讲话)发表了各种不同的/相互矛盾的报导。〖同〗account,story,report,description,side;

(2)改编本(文本)(adaptation of a work of art into another medium) [C]:prepare a dramatic/screen~of the novel 准备将小说改编为戏剧/电影;a bilingual~of the poem 一首两种语言对照的诗;an illustrated~of the poem 一首带插图说明的诗歌;an orchestral~of a suite for strings 从弦乐组曲改编的管弦乐曲;The author wrote an up-to-date~of the Romeo and Juliet story. 作者编写了一个当代罗密欧与朱丽叶的故事。〖同〗rendering,adaptation;

(3)形式,种类 (form or variety of sth)[C]:read the short/full~of the book 读这本书的简写/完整本;prefer the original/first/final~of the play 更喜欢剧本的原/初/终稿;the experimental/standard/deluxe~of this plane (this car) 这种实验/标准/豪华型的飞机(轿车);Congress passed a revised~of the bill. 国会通过了修定法案稿。This is a cheaper~of the dress I saw in the shop. 这是我在商店看到的那件衣服的廉价仿制品。

(4)翻译(译本)(translation)[C]:the Authorized/Revised V~of the Bible《圣经》的钦定译本/修订本;I've read an English~of the play in German. 我读过这个德文剧本的英译本。Keats read Homer in the Chapman~. 济慈读过查普曼译的荷马史诗。〖同〗translation,rendering,recreation





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