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单词 button
释义 button /'bAtn; '.bAtn/ n 1 small, usu round, bit of bone, metal, etc for fastening, on an article of clothing, or sewn on as an ornament. 钮扣。 '~.hole n hole through which a ~ is passed; flower worn in a ~hole (eg in the lapel of a jacket or coat). 钮扣孔; 戴于钮扣孔上之花 (如戴于男子外衣之踪领上面者) 。 vt [VP6A] hold sb by the ~ hole (to get his attention), 抓住某人的钮扣孔 (以引起他的注意) 。 '~hook n hook for pulling a ~ into place through a ~ hole. (牵引钮扣穿过扣孔之) 搭钮钩; 绊钩。 ' ~ wood n tall tree with a ~-shaped fruit, related to the sycamore; its wood. 篠悬未属之植物 (树干高,果实如钮扣状); 篠悬木。 2 small, round ~-like object, esp one that, when pushed, makes an electrical contact, eg for a bell: 钮扣形之圆形小东西; 钮形物; (尤指开关电器之)按钮(如按电铃者)。 press / push / touch the ~. 按电钮。 3 small, unopened mushroom. 未张开的小 4 (pl) (colloq) boy wearing uniform, employed as a page in a club, hotel, etc. (复)(俗)俱乐部、旅馆等处穿着制服的男侍役 - → bell-hop. vt, vi [VP6A, 15B, 2A] ~ (up/down) fasten with a ~ or ~s: (以钮扣)扣; 扣起; 扣紧:~ () one's coat; 扣起外衣的钮扣; a dress that ~s down the back. 由背部扣钮扣南女装。 My collar won't ~ down, I can't ~ it. 我的领子扣不起来。~ P,(colloq) complete safely, at last: (俗)终于顺利完成: That's that job ~ed up! 也就是说,那项工作终于顺利完成了! ,-v6-'up. adj (colloq) (of a person) silent and reserved .( 俗)(指人)沉默寡言的。




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