释义 |
优(優)yōuⅠ ❶ (优良;美好) excellent; fine; good; outstanding: 品学兼 ~ be a good student of good character ❷ (充足; 富裕) ample; liberal: 养尊处 ~ enjoy high position and live in ease and comfort; live in clover Ⅱ (优待) give preferential treatment: 拥军 ~ 属 support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of the armymen Ⅲ ❶ (旧时称演戏的人) actor or actress: 名 ~ a famous actor or actress ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 连仲 You Lianzhong ◆优待 give preferential treatment; 优等 high-class; first-rate; excellent; top line; top quality; high quality; high grade; 优点 merit; strong point; advantage; virtue; 优抚 give special care to disabled servicemen, and to family members of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen; 优厚 munificent; liberal; favourable; 优化 optimize; majorization; optimization; 优化组合 optimized composition; the optimized composite; 优惠 {经} preferential; favourable; preference; 优惠待遇 preferential treatment; 优惠幅度 margin of preference; 优惠价 favourable price; the preferential price; 优惠政策 the preferential policies; 优良 fine; good; excellent; 优伶 [旧] actor or actress; 优美 graceful; fine; exquisite; 优孟衣冠 disguise [dress up] as sb.; act a part; tread the board — carry out designs under a false cloak; imitate; 优容 [书] treat with leniency; 优柔 [书] leisurely; [书] gentle; mild; weak in character; 优生 aristogenesis; 优生优育 give a good birth and good care; sound child rearing; 优胜 winning; superior; 优势 superiority; preponderance; dominant position; goodness; 优先 take precedence; have priority; prior; underlying; preferential; senior; 优先股 preferred stock; senior security; preemptive shares; preferred shares; preference share; 优先级 priority; priority level; 优先权 priority; 优秀 outstanding; excellent; splendid; fine; 优选法 optimal choice method; 优异 excellent; outstanding; exceedingly good; 优游 [书] leisurely and carefree; 优遇 give special treatment; 优裕 affluent; abundant; 优越 superior; advantageous; 优越感 superiority complex; 优质 high quality; high grade优质优价 high quality and high price |