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(集合;聚集) gather;assemble;collect: ~ 各家之长 incorporate the strong points of different [various] schools;
小鸡聚 ~ 在母鸡翅膀下面。The chickens gathered under the hen. 游行队伍从四面八方汇 ~ 到天安门广场上。The paraders converged on Tian'anmen Square from all directions. Ⅱ ❶ (集市) country fair;market: 赶 ~ go to a country fair;go to market 这个镇每五天一个 ~,今天逢 ~。 An outdoor market is held every five days in this town,and today happens to be a market day.
❷ (集子) collection;anthology: 地图 ~ atlas;
歌曲 ~ song book;
画 ~ an album of paintings;
诗 ~ a collection of poems;
选 ~ selected works
❸ (全书分为若干部分中的一部分;分段落放映的影片中的一个段落) volume;part: 上 ~ first part;part one;
下 ~ second part;part two;
这部影片分上、下两 ~。This film is in two parts. 这些文章分3 ~ 出版。These articles will be published in three volumes.
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 桢 Ji zhen
◆集币箱 coin-collector;
集尘 control of dust;
集成 integration;
集成电路 integrated circuit; unicircuit;molectron;integrated semiconductor;monolithic circuit;
集成电路卡 circuit card;
集成化智能诊断系统 integrated intelligent fault diagnosis system (IIFDS);
集成生产系统 integrated manufacture system;
集成制造软件系统 integrated manufacturing software system (IMSS);
集大成 be a comprehensive expression of;be an agglomeration of;epitomize;
集电极 {半} collector;collector [collecting] electrode;collecting anode;commutator;
集电刷 {电工} brush collector;current- collector brush;pickup [guard] brush;
集合 gather;assemble;muster;call together;
集会 assembly;rally;gathering;meeting;
集结 mass;concentrate;build up;
集锦 a collection of choice specimens;
集聚 gather;collect;assemble;
集拢 roundup;gather;
集贸市场 pedlars' market;fair trade market;
集圈 doubling stitch;
集权 centralization of state power;concentration of power;
集群 colony;schooling;
集散地 collecting and distributing centre;distributing centre;
集散点 nodal point;
集散港 feeder port;
集散运输 collective and distributive transport;
集少成多 Many a little makes a mickle.;
集市 country fair;market;fair;bazaar;rural fair;
集市贸易 market fairs;
集思广益 benefit by mutual discussion;draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas;Two heads are better than one.;
集体 collective;community;group;team;
集体化 collectivization;
集体婚礼 a group marriage ceremony;
集体经济 collective economy;
集体领导 collective leadership;
集体企业 collective-owned enterprise;collective-owned business;collective enterprise;
集体所有制 collective ownship;
集体意见 consensus;
集团 group;clique;circle;ring;
集团购买力 group purchasing power;
集团诉讼 class action;group action;
集团消费 institutional purchase;
集团军 group army;army group;
集训 assemble for training;
集腋成裘 collect bits of fur under the foxes' forelegs to make a robe;Every little makes a mickle.;Many drops of water make an ocean.;Small contributions are equally welcome.;
集邮 stamp collecting;philately;
集苑集枯 Everybody has his likes and dislikes.;
集约 intensive;
集约经营 intensive management;
集镇 town;market town;
集中 concentrate;centralize;focus;amass;group;massing;put togather;
集中[总]参数 lumped parameter;
集中[总]常数 lumped constant(s); constant of central tendency;
集中管理 centralized management;
集中化 centralization;
集中控制 centralized control;centralization of control;common control system;
集中统一 centralization and unification;centralized and unified;
集中营 concentration camp;
集注 focus;
集装箱 container;
集装箱运输 container traffic;
集资 raise funds;collect [pool] money;concentrate funds;draw money (frommany sources);pool resources;fund raising;call for funds;
集族 family of sets




accounts; to record; collection







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