espialn. spy,scout密探,侦察兵。 △Ham. 3. 1.32:“Her father and myself,lawful espials,” i.e. lawfulspies. (As real and step-parents they may considerthemselves justified in spying on their children together.)她的父亲和我便是合法的密探。(按:所谓“合法”,指他们一个是亲父,一个是继父,窥测两家儿女相会,不算非法。) △1H. vi. 1. 4. 8:“The prince’s espials have informedme / How the English,in the suburbs close en-trenched,”太子的密探告诉我,英国人在城郊秘密地掘了壕堑。 △ 1H. VI. 4. 3. 6: “By your espials were discovered /Two mightier troops than that the Dauphin led,/Which joined with him and made their march for Bor-deaux.”你派的探子还发现了两支更强大的队伍与法国太子的军队会合,一同向波尔多进军。 espial[isˈpaiəl]n. 监视,窥视,观察,侦察 ‖ espier[isˈpaiə]n. 监视者,探索者 espionage[ˈespiəˈnɑ:Ӡ]n. 监视,刺探,间谍活动 espionage agent 间谍 espionage agency特务机关 espionage film 间谍影片 espionage flight 间谍飞行 espionage network 间谍网 espionage section 谍报组 espionage-agent n. 间谍 |