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单词 装模作样

装模作样zhuāng mó zuò yàng

affect a show; be affected; be a sham; assume(/put on) airs;attitudinize; behave in an affected way; be chichi;do the grand; indulge in (/go into)histrionics; go through the motions of; make a gesture; make a pretence (of); melo-dramatically; mincing (ly);mimick; pretentiously; put on an act
❍ 二子觉得他哥是~。(杜鹏程 《保卫延安》262) Erzi thought his brother’s concern was a sham.
❍ 别~! 搜出人来再说!(知侠《铁道游击队》230) Stop fooling! you wait till we’ve searched the place!/我知道,那当官的只是~,他们官越大,搜刮老百姓越狠,哪里会给柴钱; 这两担柴是让他们白抢了。(李心田《闪闪的红星》130) I knewthe officer was only making a gesture.The higher their rank,the more they exploited the people. And how could we expect the soldiers to pay for the firewood? The transaction was pure robbery from top to bottom.
❍ 他出溜下炕沿,立在当屋,象演话剧似地~着…… (冯志《敌后武工队》72) Luoyu slipped from the edge of the kang,stood in the middle of the room as though ready to perform in a play,and mimicked:…/第一章就是Smith说,以为支那人是颇有点做戏气味的民族,精神略有亢奋,就成了戏子样,一字一句,一举手一投足,都装模做样……(鲁迅《华盖集续编》116) Mr Yasuoka’s first chapter is based on Smith’s contentionthat the Chinese as a nation are fond of acting. Themoment anything excites them they turn into actors,each word, each phrase, each gesture, each stop they take,is posing or posturing.
❍ 那么再来过罢! 可是你不要装模装样怕难为情才好呀! (茅盾《子夜》501) All right,then,we’ll have another try,but this time you mustn’t pretend to be so shy!/阿菊的脸色略略沉了一下,一抬头,察觉到梅福如的神情原是~有意地挑逗她,便放开嗓子微笑着说道:“明天走就明天走吧!”(吴强《红日》285) Ajuls expression became a shade more serious for a moment,then,looking up and observing from his face that he was putting on an act to tease her,she smiled and said in a firm,clear voice: “He can go tomorrow for all I care.”


be affected;attitudinize;put on a show;behave in an affected way

装模作样zhuānɡ mó zuò yànɡ

故意做样子给人看。put on an act, affect a show, do the grand, strike an attitude, swagger





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