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单词 难兄难弟

难兄难弟nán xiōng nán dì

a well matched pair of brothers; tweedledum and tweedledee; two just alike; two of a kind
❍ 我和溥杰,当时真是一对~,我们的心情和幻想,比我们的相貌还要相似。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》142) Pu Jie and myself were a well-matched pair of brothers,and our feelings and ambitions were even more similar than our faces.
❍ 高老先生原是老先生同盟,将来自是~可知。(《儒林外史》562) Mr Gao was your sworn brother,…You will equal each other in achievement.
❍ 问我父亲和博士他们吗?一对~。(杨沫《青春之歌》93) You want to know about my father and Hu Shi? They are two of a kind.
❍ 陈元方子长文有英才,与季方子孝先,各论其父功德,争之不能决,咨于太丘。太丘曰:“元方难为兄,季方难为弟。” (刘义庆《世说新语·德行》) Chen Yuanfang’s son,Zhangwen,possessed outstanding ability. Once he and his cousin,Xiaoxian,were each discussing his father’s relative achievements and virtues,and,after getting into an argument over it,could not reach a solution. They referred the matter to their grand father Chen Shi,who replied,“It’s hard to regard either Yuanfang as the older brother or Jifang as the younger.”

难兄难弟nàn xiōng nàn dì

brothers in suffering;fellow sufferers
❍ 我们曾经是~,至今我们还常来常往。We used to be fellow sufferers and we still keep close contact with each other.


brothers in need; fellow sufferers;birds of a feather;two of a kind;tweedledum and tweedledee
他们是~。They are two of a kind./我们是~。We are in the same boat.

难兄难弟nàn xiōnɡ nàn dì

指彼此处于同样境地的人;也指曾经共患难的人。two of a kind, fellow sufferers, brothers in suffering





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