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单词 一毛不拔

一毛不拔yī máo bù bá

unwilling to give up even a hair—very stingy; very sparing in spending money;cheese-paring; close-fisted; miserly;money-grub bing; not give (/part with) a cent; parsimonious;refuse to contribute a single cent; tighter than the bark on a tree
❍ 叫我们管山吃山,管水吃水,都像你这~,我们喝西北风!(《儒林外史》483)We have our living to make. If everyone was like you and wouldn’t give us a cent,we’d have to live on air.
❍ 这个江山已经危如累卵,你做皇亲的还是如此袖手旁观,~! (姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—698) Now the empire is verging on ruin and yet you,an imperial relative,remain quite aloof and won’t even lift a finger to help.
❍ 他竟~! (《儒林外史》331) But not a cent would he part with!/给周家累死累活地干了两个月,到头来,他~,还把我毒打一顿。(《高玉宝》 28) Two whole months I slaved for the Zhou family,but not a cent did they pay me—just beat me up.
❍ 皇上生气的是,国家到了这样困难地步,李皇亲竟然死抗到底,~,而各家皇亲也竟然只帮李家说话,不替皇家着想。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—768) Naturally His Majesty is angry that when the country is in such a serious state that the Li family are being intrasigent and refusing to contribute a single cent,while the imperial relatives try to plead for the marquis and show no concern for His Majesty.

一毛不拔yi mao bu ba

unwilling to give up even a hair (very stingy)


unwilling to give up even a hair—very stingy;miserly;close-fisted
…也应该向你们提供援助,不应该~…should not be too stingy but should provide you with aid,too./他竟~! But not a cent would he part with!

一毛不拔yī máo bù bá

一根毫毛也不肯拔去。形容十分吝啬自私。very stingy, not to still a finger to help, be closefisted





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