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Ⅰ ❶ (有彩色花纹的丝织品) brocade;tapestry: 衣 ~ 还乡 return to one's hometown in silken robes;return home after making good
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 被 Jin Bei Ⅱ (色彩鲜明华丽) bright and beautiful: ~ 霞 rose-tinted clouds;
前程似 ~ splendid prospects;glorious future
◆锦标 prize;trophy;title;
锦标赛 championship contest;championships;
锦囊妙计 have sth. up one's sleeve;a secret master plan;instructions for dealing with an emergency;wise counsel;
锦旗 silk banner (as an award or a gift);
锦上添花 add a beautiful thing to a contrasting beautiful thing;add brilliance to one's present splendor;add flowers to embroidery — superfluous;add flowers to the brocade — to make perfection still more perfect;add to sth. already beautiful;make sth. even better;paint the lily;
锦绣河[江]山 the beautiful rivers and mountains;a land of charm and beauty;the beautiful landscape;the beautiful land [country];the lovely land;
锦绣前程 bright prospect;glorious future;
锦衣玉食 feast every day on the most delectable dishes and wear the most costly clothes — to live [lead] an extravagant life;beautiful dresses and nice food;
锦衣朱履 dressed in an embroidered coat,with red shoes






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