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单词 sufferance


1.endurance,patience,putting up with wrongs忍受,忍耐,忍辱负重。
△Ado.1.3.9(8): “a patient suffer-ance.”耐心的忍受。
△Mer.1.3.111(110):“For suffer-ance is the badge of all our tribe.”因为忍辱负重本来就是我们民族的标记。
△Mer.3.1.74(70):“If a Christianwrong a Jew,what should his sufferance be by Chris-tian example? Why,revenge.”如果一个基督徒欺负了一个犹太人,按照基督徒的榜样他将怎样忍受? 哼,也是报仇。
△H.V.3.6.134(124):“England shall repent his fol-ly,see his weakness,and admire our sufferance.”英国国王应该忏悔他的愚蠢,明白他的弱点,并且对于我的忍耐感到惊讶。
2. forbearance,tolerance,indulgence,clemency 宽容,容忍,纵容,宽厚。
△H.V.2.2.45: “Let him be pun-ished,sovereign,lest example / Breed,by his suffer-ance,more of such a kind.”(his sufferance: allowinghim to go unpunished)让他受到惩罚吧,要不然对他太宽纵了,此例一开,怕还会产生出更多同类的事来。
3. permission,allowance,connivance 许可,允许,默许。
△As.2.2.2: “Some villains of my court/ Are ofconsent and sufferance in this. ”我宫中必有小人从中协助纵逃。
△ 3H.VI.1.1.233: “And given unto the houseof York such head / As thou shalt reign but by theirsufferance.”你把这样大的行动自由给予约克家族,今后你只能在他们的许可之下进行统治。
4. suffering,pain,torment,distress 受苦,痛苦,折磨,苦难。
△Wiv. 4. 2. 1:“your sorrow hath eaten up mysufferance,”你的忧伤吞没了我的痛苦。
△Lr.3.6.115(106): “But then the mind much sufferance doth o’erskip,”但是心灵可以跳过不少的苦难。
△2H.IV.5.4.27(25):“Well,of sufferance comes ease.”好吧,能忍自安。(又译:人能吃点苦,才有好日子。)
△H.VIII.5.1.68: “andthat her sufferance made / Almost each pang adeath.”她每发作一次阵痛,就痛苦得简直像死过去一次。
5. wrong,injury 冤屈,损害。
△1H.IV.5.1. 51: “Theseeming sufferances that you had borne,”表面上看来你所遭受的冤屈。
6. suffering punishment,death by execution 受刑,伏法。
△H.V.2.2.159:“Which I in sufferance heartily will rejoice,”对此,我即使在受刑之中仍然感到高兴。
7. damage,loss 损坏,损失。
△Oth.2.1.22: “A nobleship of Venice / Hath seen a grievous wrack andsufferance / On most part of their fleet.”一艘威尼斯来的大船看见了他们的舰队大部分都受到了严重的破坏和损失。





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