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suffervt. 1. bear with patience,put up with,endure,tolerate忍耐,忍受,耐得,容忍。 △Ado.5.2.69(66):“Suffer love! agood epithet! I do suffer love indeed. for I love theeagainst my will.”容忍爱情! 说得好! 我真是容忍爱情,因为我爱你是违反本意的。 △Ham.3.1.57(56):“Whether 'tisnobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrowsof outrageous fortune.”要做到心性高贵,是否就该忍受这强暴命运的矢石交攻… △Lr.1.2.54(50):“who sways,notas it hath power,but as it is suffered.”他们支配一切,不是因为他们有权,而是因为我们 一味容忍。 △2H.IV.4.1.101(99): “And suffer the condition of these times / Tolay a heavy and unequal hand / Upon our honours?”(To lay: laying) 并且忍受着目前的形势用不公正的高压手段来贬抑我们的荣誉。 △H.V.4.1.260 (240): “And whatart thou. thou idol Ceremony? / What kind of god artthou,that suffer'st more / Of mortal griefs than dothy worshippers?”你这偶像一般的礼仪,你又是什么? 你又算是哪一类的神祇,你比你的崇奉者还要忍受更多的尘世忧患? △2H.VI.3.1.32:“Suffer them now,and they'llo'ergrow the garden.”如果现在对它们放任不管,它们蔓延起来就会长满花园。 △3H.VI.1.1.59:“What,shall wesuffer this?” i.e. must we put up with this?怎么,难道我们一定要忍受这个吗? △H.VIII.5.3.24(5.2.59):“If wesuffer. / Out of our easiness and childish pity / Toone man's honour,this contagious sickness. / Fare-well all physic!”如果,由于我们漫不经心以及对于某一个人的荣誉的幼稚的怜悯,我们竟对这种传染蔓延的病害给以容忍,那么一切良药都无济于事了! suffer not thinking on: suffer not being thought of,bear being forgotten. be forgotten受到遗忘,被忘掉。 △Ham.3.2.142(133):“He must build churches then. or else shall he suffer not thinking on,”他也得建造一些教堂,不然他只好被人忘掉。 2. undergo. experience经受,经历。 △Tw.2.4.100(98):“but the palate. / That suffer surfeit,cloyment.and revolt.” i.e. but a mere physical sensation in thepalate which undergoes excess,satiety,and distaste.只不过是舌端的味觉冲动,那会经受了过饱、伤食然后倒胃口的。 △ Ham.3.2.70(65):“for thou hast been / As one,insuffering all,that suffers nothing;” (With a play onthe different meanings of suffer.)i.e.while undergo-ing all things. is harmed by none. 因为你虽然经历了一切的颠沛,却不曾受到一点伤害。 △H.V.4.8.57(52): “andwhat your Highness suffered under that shape,I be-seech you take it for your own fault and not mine;”陛下在那种外表之下所经受的一切,我请求你,只能怪罪你自己,不要怪我。 3. allow,permit,let准许,允许,让。 △Tw.5.1.352(340):“And,acting this(i.e.when I acted on this) inan obedient hope. / Why have you suffered me to beimprisoned. / Kept in a dark house,visited by thepriest,”当我心怀希望,敬谨遵命,一切照办之时,你为什么又让人把我拘禁起来,关在黑屋里,叫牧师来看我。 △Ham.5.1.107(101):“Why does he suffer this mad knave now toknock him about the sconce with a dirty shovel,”为什么他现在容忍这个狂妄的家伙用一把肮脏的铲子敲打他的头呢? △Lr.3.4.152(148):“Go in with me; my duty cannotsuffer / T' obey (= To obey) in all your daughters'hard commands.”跟我进去吧;我的职责不容许我完全服从你的女儿们的残酷命令。 △1H.IV.5.1.141(139):“Why?Detraction will not suffer it.”为什么? 毁谤不允许它存在。 △2H.IV.2.4.376(343):“there is another indictment upon thee,for suffering flesh to be eaten in thyhouse,contrary to the law,”i.e. allowing the eatingof meat in time of Lent. (The sale of meat in Lent was forbidden by law.)还有另一条罪名要加在你头上,那就是你违法让人在斋期中在你店里吃肉。 △R.III.4.1.15:“Byyour patience。/ I may not suffer you to visit them.”请原谅,我不能允许你去见他们。 △H.VIII.5.1.28(29):“asnot thus to suffer / A man of his place,and so nearour favour. / To dance attendance on their lordships’pleasures,” 不至于让像他那样有身份而且又受我恩宠的人如此听候他们几位的颐指气使。 4. permit to remain,allow to continue,leave undis-turbed,not to check容许保持不变,允许继续下去,听任…不受干扰,不制止。 △2H.VI.3.2.262: “Lest,being suf-fered in that harmful slumber,/ The mortal worm might make the sleep eternal.”否则,倘若让这种危险有害的沉睡继续下去,那致人死命的长虫就会使得陛下永远长眠。 5. suffer from. be injured by受…之苦,被…所伤害。 △Ado.5.2.67(64):“But for which of my good partsdid you first suffer love for me?”但是你究竟为了我的什么优点才对我害起相思来呢? 6. ignore,leave alone,not to hinder忽视,对…听之任之,不去阻止。 △R.III.1.3.271(270):“O God that seestit,do not suffer it!”啊,上帝,你看见了,切莫不去管它! being suffered: if it is left alone and unchecked如果听其蔓延而不管。 △3H.VI.4.8.7:“A little fire is quicklytrodden out. / Which,being suffered,rivers cannotquench.”星星之火,一踩就灭,倘若不管不顾、听其蔓延下去,则倾江河之水也把它浇不灭了。 7. ❶permit… to attack撒开…去攻击。 ❷hurt,injure使受伤痛,伤害。 suffered with: ❶permitted to do battle with被撒开与…打。 ❷injured by被…伤害。 △2H.VI.5.1.153:“Who. being suffered with the bear's fell paw,/ Hath clapped his tail between legs and cried;”它,被撒开与熊厮打,受凶猛的熊掌一击(又译:被凶猛的熊掌击伤),就夹起尾巴大叫。 ~ vi. 1. acquiesce. put up with anything 默许,容忍。 △Oth.5.2.255(256): “Thou hast no weapon,and perforcemust suffer.”你没有武器,只好屈服。 2. sustain loss. injury,or damage遭受损失,遭受损伤,遭受损害。 △Tw.2.5.145(130):“that suffers under pro-bation.”i.e.it fails when tested. 检查起来,又不对了。 suffer[ˈsʌfə]v.遭受,经历,忍受 ◇ suffer a default同意缺席裁判 suffer from受难 suffer the last sanction of the law被处死刑 ‖suffer a setback失利 suffer disaster遭难 suffer hunger and cold饥寒交迫 suffer loss by thief失窃 suffer losses吃亏 suffering and misery灾难与痛苦 sufferability n.容忍能力 sufferable adj.可容忍的,可忍耐的 sufferance[ˈsʌfərəns]n. 忍耐,默许展延 sufferance wharf指定码头 sufferer n.受害者 |