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单词 锣鼓暄天

锣鼓暄天luó gǔ xuān tiān

a deafening sound (/din) of gongs and drums; loud music of drums and gongs
❍ 可是,不等你思索一下,前面又~,那是推销货物的宣传队过来了,一个个画着怪脸,戴着三尺长的高帽子。(陶承《我的一家》46) Then a group of odd-looking people with painted faces and wearing tall hats marched past,drums beating and gongs clanging—the“Sales Boosting Corps.”/在旗附近的阅马厂,正在~做盂兰会,人山人海,没有看见一个哨兵。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—238) On the Horse Square near the army barracks a huge crowd of spectators had gathered for a religious service to console the souls of the dead who had no descendants,which was in full swing amid the loud music of drums and gongs.
❍ 一进黄桥镇,街头到处张灯结彩,~。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》71) The streets were all decorated with lanterns and festoons,and the place re-echoed with the sound of gongs and drums.
❍ 其余各庙,社火扮会,~,……(《儒林外史》143)…and celebrations were taking place in all the temples and shrines to the accompaniment of cymbals and drums.
❍ 长春的木头人戏 (指伪满傀儡政府)依然~; ……(杨沫《青春之歌》527)…the puppet regime up in Changchun is whipping up a big fanfare,





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