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❶ (做起来费事的) difficult; hard; troublesome: 路 ~ 走。 The road is bad.; The going is hard. 我发现英语 ~ 学得多。 I found English much more difficult to learn. 这个问题太 ~ , 我解决不了。 This problem is too hard for me to solve. 这山很 ~ 爬。 This hill is hard to climb.
❷ (不容易; 不大可能) hardly possible: ~ 说 it's hard to say; you never can tell; ~ 忘 unforgettable
❸ (不好) bad; unpleasant: ~ 吃 taste bad; be unpalatable; ~ 听 unpleasant to the ear Ⅱ (使感到困难) put sb. into a difficult position: 这回把他 ~ 住了。 This puts him in a difficult position. 这问题一下子把我 ~ 住了。 The question put me on the spot. 困难 ~ 不倒英雄汉。 A hero is never put off by difficulties.
另见 see also nàn。
◆难办 difficult to manage or operate; hard to deal with; tough; 难保 cannot say for sure; difficult to ensure; 难辨是非 difficult to discriminate between right and wrong; 难辨真伪 hard to distinguish between the true and false; 难产 {医} difficult labour; dystocia; mogitocia; parodynia; be difficult of fulfilment; be slow in coming; 难处 hard to get along [on] with; 难处 difficulty; trouble; 难打交道 hard to deal with; 难倒 daunt; baffle; beat; 难道 surely it doesn't mean that ...; could it be said that ...; 难得 hard to come by; rare; seldom; rarely; 难得糊涂 where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.; 难点 aporia; difficult point; difficulty; 难懂 difficult to comprehend; hard to understand; 难度 degree of difficulty; difficulty; 难分高低 hard to tell which is better; 难分难舍 cannot bear to part from each other; find it difficult to tear apart; 难怪 no wonder; understandable; pardonable; 难关 difficulty; crisis; barrier; tight squeeze; 难管 difficult to govern; hard to rule; 难过 have a hard time; feel sorry; feel bad; be grieved; 难解难分 be inextricably involved (in a dispute); be locked together (in a struggle); neither would give in; neither can get the upper hand; be sentimentally attached to each other;cannot bear to part with each other; 难堪 intolerable; unbearable; embarrassed; 难看 ugly; unsightly; shameful; embarrassing; disgraceful; 难免 hard to avoid; be booked for; 难民潮 refugee wave; 难民问题国际会议 international conference on refugees; 难能可贵 praiseworthy for one's excellent conduct; deserving praise for one's excellent performance or behaviour; estimable; rare and commendable; 难燃纤维 flame retardant fibre; 难燃油 fire resistant oil; 难人 difficult; delicate; ticklish; a person handling a delicate matter; 难熔玻璃 high-melting glass; 难熔合金 refractory alloy; 难熔金属 refractory metal; 难如登天 as difficult as to climb up to the sky; as difficult as going to heaven; 难色 appear to be reluctant or embarrassed; 难上加难 add difficulty to difficulty — extremely arduous; doubly difficult; extremely difficult; 难舍 loath to part from each other; reluctant to separate; 难舍难分 find it difficult to tear apart; be loath to part from each other; can hardly bear to tear oneself away; cannot bear to part from each other; (They) could not be torn apart.; find it very hard to part with...; (They) lingered, hardly able to part.; 难事 difficulty; a hard nut to crack; 难受 feel unwell; feel ill; suffer pain; feel unhappy; feel bad; 难说 it's hard to say; you never can tell; 难逃法网 be unable to escape the net of justice; cannot escape punishment; 难题 difficult problem; a hard nut to crack; aporia; poser; hot potato; facer; headache; stinker; teaser; ticklish problem; 难听 unpleasant to hear; offensive; coarse; scandalous; 难忘 unforgettable; memorable; 难为情 ashamed; embarrassed; shy; find it difficult; disconcerting; embarrassing; 难为 embarrass; press; be a tough job to; thank you for the trouble you have taken; 难闻 smell unpleasant; smell bad; 难兄难弟 two just alike; a well-matched pair of brothers; It is six of one and half-a-dozen of the other.; one as ... as the other; two of a kind; 难言 feel embarrassed to mention; 难言之隐 sth. which it would be awkward to disclose; a painful topic; a sore subject; sth. difficult to voice [express]; sth. embarrassing to mention; sth. which ails one's mind and hard to state; 难以 difficult to; 难以启齿 be too shy to speak out; have a bone in the throat; hard to speak out; too embarrassed to mention sth.; too embarrassed to say it; 难以忍受 be hard to bear; 难以收拾 out of hand; 难以挽回 It is hard to rotrieve.; 难以形容 baffle [beyond] description; cannot be described by words; difficult to portray in words; have no words to express ...; 难以置信 be hardly worthy of belief; be beyond belief; be difficult to believe; be rather hard to swallow; 难于登天 be as difficult as climbing up to heaven; be harder than to ascend to heaven; be harder than to leap to the sky; be more difficult than climbing up to heaven; 难于理解 beyond [out of] one's depth; 难于启齿 have a bone in the throat; difficult to speak out one's mind


Ⅰ (不幸的遭遇; 灾难) catastrophe; calamity; disaster; adversity: 大 ~ 临头 be faced with imminent disaster; 多 ~ 兴邦 much distress regenerates a nation; 逃 ~ flee from danger; be a refugee Ⅱ (质问) take to task; blame: 非 ~ blame; reproach; 责 ~ censure; blame
另见 see also nán。
◆难胞[侨] fellow countryman residing abroad suffering from oppression; 难民 refugee; 难兄难弟 fellow sufferers; 难友 fellow sufferer





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