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单词 trim
trim/trɪm/ adj [-mm-;-er/-est]; vt [-mm-]; n

adj (1)整齐(洁)的(being in good or neat order):a~ship/room/garden/lawn/appearance 整洁的船/房间/花园/草坪/外表;look neat and~看上去既整齐又干净;keep one's garden~保持花园整洁;〖同〗tidy,clean,neat;

(2)苗条的,优雅的(slimelegant):achieve a~figure/waistline through exercises 通过锻炼拥有均匀的体形/苗条的腰身;〖同〗slim,thin;

→′trimly adv 整齐(洁)地;苗条地;′trimness n 整齐;苗条;

vt (1) 1)修饰(剪,整)(make sth neateven or tidy by cuttingsmoothingetc)[T+nT+n+adv]:~one's beard/one's moustache/one's nails 修剪胡须/胡子/指甲;have one's hair~med 修剪头发;~the rosebushes/the top of a hedge/the edges of the lawn 修剪玫瑰丛/树篱顶部/草坪四周;~one's beard (back) 刮胡子;〖同〗cut,shave,shear; 2)剪掉,砍去,删掉(make sth less by cutting)[T+nT+n+prep (off),T+n+adv(off)]:~the book from 100,000 words to 80,000 把这本书的字数从10万删到8万;~a budget/one's costs 削减预算/节省开支;~the excess fat off the meat/an inch off the hem of the skirt 把肉中太肥的部分切掉/把裙子的折边裁去一英寸;get some of the hair~med off 剪去一些头发;~off loose threads/the fat edges of the meat 剪掉松了的线/切掉肥肉;

(2)装饰(decorate with ornaments)[T+nT+n+prep (with)]:~a Christmas tree 装饰圣诞树;~the sleeves (the hats/the coats/the dresses) with goldlace/ribbon/fur/red stitching 用金色花边/丝带/皮毛边/红缝线装饰袖子(帽子/大衣/衣服);〖同〗decorate,beautify,ornament;

(3)使……平稳(balance (a shipan aircraftetc) by shifting its cargo or contents)[T+n]:~the load of the truck 把卡车上的货物摆匀,使其平稳;〖同〗balance;

(4)调风帆以适应风向(adjust (sails) so that they receive the wind properly)[T+n]:~the sails of the ship to achieve greater speed 随风使帆以提高船速;

→′trimmer n 整理的人;剪切的器具;′trimming n 装饰材料;′trimmings n 配料;

n(1)修饰(剪,整)(conditionorder or fitness of a person or thing for actionworkuseetc)[Ua~]:(lawn/beard/sideburns) need a~(草坪/胡须/连鬓胡子)需要修剪;go to the hairdresser's for a~去理发店剪头发;〖同〗cutting,shearing;

(2)(家具、服装等的)装饰物(ornamentationas for furnitureclothingetc)[CU]:lace~(衣服上的)花边饰物;a meter of gold~一米金色饰物;

be in/get into trim 1)准备就绪:The team was in good (proper/excellent)~for the match. 这个队已为比赛做好了准备。get into~for a race 准备好参加赛跑; 2)处于良好状态:The engine/car seems in good~. 发动机/车子似乎处于良好状态。





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