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单词 钱可通神

钱可通神钱能通神qián kě tōng shén

money will move the gods;money opens the gates of heaven;all things are obedient to money; money can bedevil the devil himself; money is a good servant; money makes the mare (to) go;he who holds the purse rules the house
❍ 小德张钱能通神,巡捕房不但没有保护那个女人,反而给送回了阎王殿,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》78) But such was the miraculous power of his wealth that so far from protecting her the police station sent her back to that hellish household.
❍ 不怕政府管的紧,就怕我们不下本钱,~。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—5) What we have to worry about is not the government damping down on us,but us failing to provide enough capital,because “money makes the mare to go”./林冲叹口气道: “‘有钱可以通神’,……”(《水浒全传》114) The arms instructor sighed: “‘with money you can reach even the gods.’ …”

钱可通神qián kě tōnɡ shén

金钱可以买通神灵。形容金钱魔力巨大,可以买通一切。Money can move the Gods. Money makes the more go.





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更新时间:2025/3/14 20:12:10