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(姓氏) a surname: ~ 鉴 Na Jian
另见 see also nǎ; nà; nè; nèi; nuó。

(指示比较远的人或事物) that: ~ 是谁? Who is that? ~ 是我的过错。 That was my fault. ~ 是一个工厂。 That is a factory. ~ 是2001年的事。 That was in 2001. 注意: ❶ 单用的“那”限于在动词前。 在动词后面用“那个”, 只有跟“这”对举的时候可以用“那”, 如: 说 这道 ~ 的; 看看这, 看看 ~, 真有说 不出的高兴。
❷ 在口语里, “那”单用或者后面直接跟名词, 说 nà 或 nè; “那”后面跟量词或数词加量词, 常常说 nèi 或 nè。 以下“那个”、“那会儿”、“那些”、“那样”各条在口语里都常常说 nèi- 或 nè-, “那么些”、“那么着”各条在口语里都常常说 nè-。 Ⅱ (那么) then; in that case: ~ 我们就不再等了。 In that case, we won't wait any longer. 你要是跟我们一块走, ~ 就得快点。 If you're coming with us, you must hurry. 如果你喜欢, ~ 就买吧! If you like it, take it, then.
另见 see also nā; nǎ; nè; nèi; nuó。
◆那边 there; over there; 那达慕 Nadam Fair (a Mongolian traditional fair); 那儿 [口] that place; there; that time; then; 那个 that; 那会儿 [口] at that time; then; 那里 that place; there; 那么 like that; in that way; about; or so; then; in that case; such being the case; 那么点儿 so little; so few; 那么些 so many; so much; 那么着 do that; do so; 那时 at that time; then; in those days; 那些 those; 那样 of that kind; like that; such; so

(“那” [nà] 的口语音) that
另见 see also nā; nǎ; nà; nèi; nuó。


(“那” [nà] 的口语音) that
另见 see also nā; nà; nè; nuó。


[书] ❶ (多) many; much; more
❷ (安闲) peacful and carefree; relaxed; leisurely: 王在镐, 在 ~ 其居。 The king in the capital / Dwells carefree in the hall.
❸ (美好) beautiful; pretty Ⅱ [书] (对于) with regard to; concerning; to Ⅲ [书] (“奈何”的合音) how; why IV [书] (挪) move; shift V (姓氏) a surname: ~ 鉴 Nuo Jian
另见 see also nā; nǎ; nà; nè; nèi。





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