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单词 彻头彻尾

彻头彻尾chè tóu chè wěi

absolute; arrant; be sb (/sth) in every (/the true) sense of the word;double-dyed; downright; dyed-in-the-wool; every inch; every whit; first and last; first,midst,and last;from A to Z; from beginning to end; from first to last; from head to tail; from start to finish; from one’s fingers to the tips of one’s toes; from tip to toe;from top (/head) to bottom (/foot/toe); in one’s entirety; of (the) deepest dye;one hundred percent;out of whole cloth; pure and simple; outright; right down; root and branch; sheer; through (and through); throughout; thoroughly; to the backbone(/fingertip/brim/marrow/utmost)
❍ 他设想自己是一尾鱼,沉没在“他们”的海水中间,~沾着“他们”的气氛; 而“他们”也是鱼,同他友好地结队游着: 他感觉这有人世间难得的欢快。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》329) He imagined himself as a fish,submerged in the sea that was "them",immersed in "their" outlook on life from head to tail; and "they" were also fish,swimming in friendly shoals with him; this seemed to him to be a pleasure that was not easy to come by in this world.
❍ 你现在不是杨子荣同志,而应是~的匪徒胡彪。(曲波 《林海雪原》 187) From now on,you're not Comrade Yang Zirong,you're bandit Hu Biao from your fingers to the tips of your toes.
❍ 但是 “化” 者,~彻里彻外之谓也; 有些人则连 “少许”还没有实行,却在那里提倡 “化” 呢! (《毛泽东选集》 798) But "trans formation" means thorough change,from top to bottom and inside out. Yet some people who have not made even a slight change are calling for a trans formation.
❍ 他用这份公开声明,来表明自己的态度,揭露国民党释放政治犯是一的欺骗。(罗广斌 、杨益言 《红岩》362) Its purpose was to clarify his:stand and expose the Kuomintang's release of political prisoners as nothing but fraud.
❍ 他们尽管满篇满口的仁义道德,然而实际上却是~的男盗女娼。(刘少奇 《论共产党员的修养》15) And though they wrote and spoke aboundingly of justice and morality,in fact they were out and out scoundrels.


out and out;thorough and thorough;downright;sheer

彻头彻尾chè tóu chè wěi

从头带尾,自始至终。from start to finish, of(the) deep style, through and through, out and out, pure and simple, absolute arrant





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