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limen. 1. i. e. used to adulterate poor wine so as to improveits colour and taste,by the vintners石灰(当时酒店老板常在劣酒里搀上石灰,使酒色发亮、酒味强烈)。 △1H.IV.2.4.139 (124):“You rogue,here’s lime in this sack too.”混蛋,甜酒里搀的有石灰 2. birdlime,a sticky substance smeared on twigs toentangle small birds 粘鸟胶(捉鸟时用)。 △Gent.3.2.68: “You must lay lime to tangle her desires / Bywailful sonnets,”你必须写几首忧伤的十四行诗,把它们当做粘鸟胶一样,来套取她的情爱。 △Mac. 4. 2.34:“Poor bird,thou ’dst never fear the net nor lime,”可怜的鸟儿,你从来不怕罗网、粘胶…
limevt. 1. smear with bird-lime用粘鸟胶涂抹。 △ 2H.VI.2. 4.54:“Have all limed bushes to betray thy wings,”全都在树上涂了胶,要使你的翅膀陷入圈套。 lime a bush: smear the twigs of trees with bird-lime,i.e. set a snare or trap在小树枝上涂抹粘鸟胶,安置圈套或陷阱。 △2H.Vl.1. 3. 91 (88): “Madam,myself havelimed a bush for her,”娘娘,我已经为她在树枝上涂抹了粘鸟胶。 2. catch with birdlime,ensnare,entangle (用鸟胶)捉住,诱捕,缠住。 △Tw.3.4.83 (74):“I have limed her,”我已经把她捉住了。 △Ado. 3. 1. 104:“She’s limed,”i.e.she is caught like a bird entangled in birdlime. 她已经被粘住了(又译:她已经上钩了)。 △3H.VI.5.6.13: “Thebird that hath been limed in a bush. / With tremblingwings misdoubteth every bush;”在一个树丛里被胶粘住过的鸟儿,看见每个树丛都要抖颤着翅膀不敢相信。 3. bind with mortar,cement,join用灰浆黏合,黏结,使结合。 △3H.VI.5.1.83: “I will not ruinate my father'shouse,/ Who gave his blood to lime the stones to-gether.”我不愿毁掉我父亲的家业,因为那一块块石头都是用他的鲜血黏结起来的。 ~vi. put lime in the cheap wine to mitigate its sour-ness在廉价甜酒中羼入石灰来减轻酸味。 △Wiv.1.3 14:“Let me see thee froth and lime.”让我看看你斟酒时多起泡沫和羼石灰的手段。 lime酸橙(Citrus aurantifolia)芸香科常绿乔木。产于热带和亚热带。株高约4米。有棘刺。叶卵形。花白色。果实圆形或扁圆形,橙红色。果味酸,不堪生食,可制桔饼。lime一词在英国亦指椴树(椴树属Tilia的统称)。落叶乔木,株高可达30米。木质优良,为重要的用材树种。 lime[laim]n.石灰,壁画材料,淡黄绿色 ‖ lime blue石灰蓝色lime earthenware石灰质精陶器 lime glaze石灰釉 lime glue骨胶 lime light石灰光 lime plaster石膏 lime putty壁画和建筑装饰用石灰膏 lime white石灰白 limy[ˈlɑmi]adj.石灰的 limeburner n.烧石灰的工人limelight n.众人注目的中心,注意点v.把光集中在… ◇ in the limelight引人注目,成为人们注意的中心,公然take the limelight=come into the limelight变成人们注意的中心throw lime-1ight (on)阐明,使真相毕露 |