彻(徹)chèⅠ [书] ❶ (撤除,撤去) remove;dismantle;take away ❷ (拆毁;拆下) demolish;pull down;tear down ❸ (剥) shell;peel ❹ (取) take;get ❺ (达,到) arrive;get to;reach ❻ (治;治理) rule;govern;administer;manage ❼ (动,触动) touch ❽ (列;排列) arrange;range;put in order Ⅱ ❶ (通;透) thorough;penetrating: ~ 夜工作 work all night; 透 ~ 了解 thorough understanding; 响 ~ 云霄 resounding across the skies ❷ [书](明;显明) obvious; manifest; marked ❸ [书] (紧密) close;tight;taut ❹ [书] (清澄) limpid;clear ◆彻底 thorough;thoroughgoing; 彻底性 (degree of) thoroughness; 彻骨 to the bone; 彻头彻尾 dyed-in- the-wool;downright;from beginning to end;from first to last;from head to foot;out and out;pure and simple;through and through; 彻夜 all night;all through the night;throughout the night; 彻夜未眠 have not slept all night |