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单词 广


同“庵” [ān](多用于人名)same as“庵”[ān], often used in a person's name
另见 see also ɡuǎnɡ。


❶ (宽阔) broad;wide;vast;extensive:地 ~ 物博 vast territory and abundant resources;
见多识 ~ have wide experience and extensive knowledge;
消息流传很 ~。 The news has spread far and wide.
❷ (多) numerous:~ 众 a huge crowd Ⅱ (扩大;扩充) expand;spread;broaden:推 ~ extend;popularize;spread;
以 ~ 见闻 widen one's knowledge;
以 ~ 流传 so that it may spread far and wide Ⅲ ❶ (两广) Guangdong and Guangxi
❷ (广州的简称) short for Guangzhou:~ 交会 the Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair
❸ (姓氏) a surname:~ 达 Guang Da Ⅳ (广泛) extensively;widely:~ 种 widely cultivate
另见 see also ān;ɡuànɡ;yǎn。
◆广板 {音} largo;
广播 broadcast;be on the air;airing;
广播电视大学 radio and TV university;
广播电视塔 broadcast television tower;
广播教材 open materials;broadcast and radio teaching materials;
广播节目 broadcasting program;
广播时间 air time;on-air time;broadcasting time;
广播视频技术 tele video technique;
广播用天线规格 broadcasting antenna rating;
广博 (of a person's knowledge) extensive;width;wide;
广布苋 tumbleweed;
广彩瓶 coloured small vase;
广场 square;public square;esplanade;maidan;
广成 a surname;
广赤眼蜂 trichogramma evanescens;
广大 vast;wide;extensive;large-scale;widespread;numerous;
广岛 [日] Hiroshima;
广东 Guangdong (Province);
广度 scope;range;extent;
广而言之 speaking generally;in a general [broad] sense;
广泛 extensive;wide-ranging;widespread;widely;
广防己 {植} Aristolochia fangchi;
广柑 a kind of orange;
广告 advertisement;advert;ad;poster;
广告促销策略 promoting selling strategy in advertisement;
广告代理 advertisement agency;
广告费 advertising fee;
广告感染力 advertisement appeal;
广告公司 advertisement agency;the advertising agency;
广告画 poster;
广告媒体 advertising medium;
广告片 advertising film;sponsored film;commercial message film;
广告人 advertiser;advertising;maker;
广告商标 the advertising marks;
广告设计 advertisement design;
广告信息 advertising information;
广告业务 advertising offairs;
广告源 advertising source;
广告咨询 advertisement consulting; 广告字排字手托 {刷} poster stick;
广寒宫 the Moon Palace (the mythical palace in the moon);
广藿香 Pogostemon cablin;
广积粮草 accumulate great stores of grain and forage;
广见博识 have a rich experience and extensive knowledge;
广见博闻 widely experienced;
广见洽闻 have wide knowledge;
广交四海 make friends extensively;
广角 wide angle;
广角型照明器 wide-angle lighting fittings;wide-angle luminaire;
广结人缘 get the people to like one;
广金钱草 Desmodium styracifolium;
广开才路 open broad avenues to able people;open all avenues for people of talent;
广开就业门路 create job opportunities on an extensive scale;open up new avenues of employment;
广开生产门路 explore new possibilities in production;
广开学路 creating a wide range of possibilities for further education;
广开言路 encourage the free airing of views;encourage freedom of speech;provide wide opportunities for airing views;
广开眼界 One's field of vision is vastly enlarged.;widen one's horizon;
广口瓶 wild-mouth bottle;
广口拖网 gangava;
广阔 vast;wide;spacious;expansive;extensive;broad;
广阔无垠 unmeasured vastness;great distance;
广林矿 guanglinite;
广蛉 alderfly;
广陵散绝 go out;be discontinued;
广绫 {纺} Canton satin;
广袤 [书] length and breadth of land;
广漠 vast and bare;
广谋博采 seek advice from all sides;
广谋从众 consult and follow the multitude;
广木香 {中药} costus root;
广纳贤士 send far and wide to invite men of ability;
广谱抗菌素 {微} broad-spectrum antibiotic;wide-spectrum antibiotic;
广厦高楼 high and big buildings;skyscrapers;
广食性 euryphagy;euryphagous;
广视野目镜 wide-field eyepiece;
广土众民 a vast territory with a large population;a great country with a large population;
广武 a surname;
广西壮族自治区 the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;
广效传播媒介 mass media;
广延 {物} extension;
广义知能技术 general intelligence technique;
广域地形 macro-relief;
广征博引 quote and prove fully;
广种薄收 extensive cultivation;
广州 Guangzhou (captial of Guangdong Province)


[书] Ⅰ ❶(兵车) chariot
❷(从东到西的长,东西或南北长;面积) the length from east to west or from south to north;area
❸ (直径) diameter Ⅱ (量宽度) measure the width
另见 see also ān;ɡuǎnɡ;yǎn。





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