释义 |
遵时养晦遵养时晦zūn shí yǎng huìretire from public affairs and wait for one’s opportunity ❍ 他……给我讲了卧薪尝胆的故事,讲了“~”的道理。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》68) He told of the story of the king of the defeated state of Yue who slept on firewood and frequently tasted gall to remind himself of his humiliation,and explained the principle of retiring from public affairs and waiting for one’s opportunity. ❍ 於铄王师,遵养时晦。(《诗经·周颂·酌》)Oh!powerful was the king’s army; |But he nursed it in obedience to circumstances while the time was yet dark. |