贵(貴)ɡuìⅠ ❶ (价格高;价值大) expensive;costly;dear:昂 ~ very expensive; 这地方东西很 ~。 Things are expensive here. 这架照相机太 ~ 了。 This camera is too dear. ❷ (评价高;值得珍视或重视) highly valued;valuable;precious:宝 ~ valuable;precious; 春雨 ~ 如油。 Spring rain is as precious as oil. 人 ~ 有自知之明。 It is valuable to know oneself. 兵 ~ 神速。 Speed is crucial in military affairs. 物以稀为 ~。 A thing is valued in proportion to its rarity. ❸ (旧时指地位优越) noble;honourable:出身高~ born in a noble family ❹[敬] (称与对方有关的事物) your:~ 姓? May I know your name? 有何 ~ 干? What business have you come here for? Ⅱ ❶ (贵州省的简称) short for Guizhou Province:云 ~ 高原 the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau ❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 迁 Gui Qian Ⅲ [书] ❶ (尊敬) respect ❷ (重视) attach importance ❸ (爱戴) love with special respect ❹ (涨价) rise in price ◆贵宾 honoured guest;distinguished guest; 贵耳贱目 trust one's ears rather than one's eyes — rely on hearsay;easily accept others' words and decline to see with one's own eyes; 贵妃 highest-ranking imperial concubine; 贵阁名媛 a great lady;a lady from a noble family; 贵庚 [敬] (may I know) your age; 贵国 your country; 贵贱上下 high and low;gentle and simple;great and small; 贵金属 noble metal;precious metal; 贵精不贵多 Things are valued for their quality rather than their numbers.;It's quality rather than quantity that counts.; 贵客盈门 The house was full of distinguished guests.; 贵榴石 almandine;almandite; 贵铅 precious metals containing lead; 贵人 a high-ranking government official;title of a female palace official; 贵人多忘(事) A man of distinction always has a poor memory.;A highly placed person is apt to be forgetful.;A man of your eminence has a short memory.;Great men are apt to have short memories.;Honourable men easily forget.;The higher the rank,the worse the memory.; 贵蛇纹石 noble serpentine; 贵体违和 Your precious health was not all that it might be.; 贵姓 [敬] your surname; 贵阳 Guiyang (capital of Guizhou Province); 贵恙 [敬] your illness; 贵重 valuable;precious; 贵州 Guizhou (Province); 贵胄 [书] the descendants of nobles; 贵族 noble;nobleman;aristocrat;nobility;aristocracy; 贵族学校 school for chief's children 贵gui❶high-priced; expensive ❷high rank |