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单词 贵人多忘事

贵人多忘事贵人多忘;贵人善忘guì rén duō wàng shì

a man of distinction has a poor memory;great men are apt to be forgetful; important people have short memories
❍ 老爷是~,…… (石文驹《战地红缨》67) How can a noble gentleman like you be expected to remember every trifle?/刘姥姥一面走,一面笑说道: “你老是 ‘~’ 了,那里还记得我们?” (《红楼梦》71)❶Smiling as she walked in,Grannie Liu remarked,“The higher the rank,the worse the memory. How could you remember us?”
❷Grannie Liu followed her cackling. “You know what they say:‘Important people have short memories.’I wouldn’t expect you to remember the likes of us!”

贵人多忘事gui ren duo wang shi

【口语】a man of eminence has a short memory (said with goodnatured sarcasm)





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