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[书] (赠与) offer as a gift; make a present of sth.: ~ 之千金 present sb. with a generous gift of money
另见 see also yí。


❶ (遗失)lose: ~ 失 lose
❷ (遗漏) omit; slip over: 巨细无 ~ slip over nothing whether big or small
❸ (留下) leave behind; keep back; not give: 不 ~ 余力 spare no efforts
❹ (指死人留下) leave behind at one's death; bequeath; hand down: ~ 骨 remains (of the dead); ~ 作 posthumous work (of an author, etc.)
❺ (排泄大小便或精液) involuntary discharge of urine, etc.: 梦 ~ nocturnal emission; wet dream Ⅱ ❶ (遗失的东西) something lost: 路不拾 ~。 No one pockets anything found on the road.
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 鹏 Yi Peng
另见 see also wèi。
◆遗产 legacy; inheritance; heritage; 遗产税 estate duty; death duty; 遗传 {生} heredity; hereditary; inheritance; inherit; 遗传性 heredity; hereditary; 遗传学 genetics; hereditism; 遗毒 {中医} congenital syphilis; evil legacy; pernicious [baneful] influence; harmful tradition; 遗腹子 posthumous child; 遗稿 a manuscript left unpublished by the author at his death; posthumous manuscript; 遗孤 orphan; 遗骨 osseous remains; 遗骸 remains; (dead) body; corpse; dust; carcass; 遗憾 regret; pity; regretful; sorry; repentant; 遗痕 dust; 遗恨 eternal regret; 遗祸 leave behind disaster and cause people to suffer; 遗迹 historical remains; relic; vestigium; token; ruin; vestige; traces; 遗教 instructions left by the dead; advice, teachings left by the deceased; 遗精 spermator ̄ rhea; spermator rhoea; gonacratia; gonobolia; (nocturnal) emission; 遗老 old fogy; old diehard; old adherent of the past dynasty; surviving adherent of a former dynasty; [书] old people who have witnessed big social changes; 遗留 leave over; hand down; 遗漏 omit; leave out; 遗民 adherents of a former dynasty; survivors of a great upheaval; 遗墨 letters, manuscripts, scrolls of painting or calligraphy, etc. left behind by the deceased; 遗尿 enuresis; bed-wetting; anischuria; urorrhea; uroclepsia; uracratia; 遗篇 writings left by a deceased author; 遗弃 abandon; throw-out; forsake; cast off; 遗缺 vacancy; 遗容 remains; a portrait of the deceased; portrait of a dead person; 遗少 young man with the mentality of an old fogy; young man who remains loyal to the former dynasty; young diehard; 遗失 lose; 遗矢 [书] empty one's bowels; defecate; 遗事 incidents of the past ages; deeds of those now dead; 遗书 posthumous papers; writings of an author now dead; a letter or note left by one immediately before death; 遗孀 widow; relict; 遗俗 an old custom; traditional practices; relic; 遗体 remains; bone; 遗忘 forget; lethe; 遗闻 hearsay that was handed down; 遗物 remains; remainder; monument; relic; truncheon; things left behind by the deceased; 遗像 deadee; a portrait of a dead person; 遗训 teachings of the deceased; 遗言 words of the deceased; last words; last testament; 遗业 business or career left behind by one's ancestors; 遗愿 unfulfilled wish of the deceased; last wish; behest; 遗赠 bequeath; legacy; 遗照 a portrait of the deceased; 遗址 ruins; site; relics; remainder; monument; archaeological sites; remain; 遗志 unfulfilled wish; behest; work bequeathed by the deceased; 遗嘱 testament; will; dying words; 遗著 writings of a dead author; posthumous work (of an author); 遗族 descendants (of the clan of the deceased)






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