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单词 随机应变

随机应变临机应变suí jī yìng biàn

act according to circumstances; adapt (adjust) oneself to changing conditions (/situations); do as the circumstances dictate (/demand); change with each shift in the situation; suit one’s actions to changing conditions; do what seems best
❍ 专门喜欢事后批评,缺乏临机应变的指导,这是不好的。(《毛泽东选集》 Ⅴ—205) It is not good to go in for criticism after the event and fail to give guidance according to the changing circumstances.
❍ 老王!你真行!机动灵活,~!(知侠《铁道游击队》21) Lao Wang! You’re really clever and quick-witted in adapting yourself to tricky situations.
❍ 语去言来机会巧,~不差池。(《西游记》234)Back and forth went their clever repartee,adapting to each instant perfectly.
❍ 统曰:“不必拘执,~”。(《三国演义》488) Pang Tong replied,“One must not be narrow and obstinate; one must change with the circumstances.”/宝钗久察其不轨之心,每每~,暗以言语弹压其志; …… (《红楼梦》1043) Baochai had long recognized her impropriety and knew how to cope with it,giving her hints not to over-reach herself.
❍ 总之要~,要沉着,机警……(杨沫《青春之歌》180) Just do what seems best. Keep your wits about you,and keep cool…/这时候,高增福已经想出了新的主意,他又一次换了~的态度,说: …… (柳青《创业史》196) By then,Zengfu had a new idea. Again adopting a flexible attitude,he said:…/大茶馆全关了,就是你有心路,能~地改良! (老舍《茶馆》29) All the large teahouses have closed down. You were the only one sharp enough to make the most of the changes and reforms.
❍ 胖老头哼哼的一声奸笑,对小炉匠夸奖道:“好样的! 真能~。”(曲波《林海雪原》66) Fatty gave a dry rasping laugh. “Nice work. You sure can wriggle out of a tight spot.”


be equal to the occasion


do as the changing circumstances demand; act according to circumstances; suit one’s action (or adapt oneself) to changing conditions;be resourceful

随机应变suí jī yìnɡ biàn

随着情况的变化而灵活机动地应付。act according to circumstances, use one’s own discretion, rise to the occasion, play to the score, in the movement, suit one’s actions to changing conditions





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