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单词 随波逐流

随波逐流suí bō zhú liú

follow the fashions (/trends/crowd/winds and waves); get (/go) adrift;go (/swim/row/strive/drift) with the stream(/tide/waves/current); time-serving/……,甚至因此而要牺牲自己的生命,他也能够逆潮流而拥护真理,绝不~。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》39) …even to the point where he may have to give up his life,he will still breast the waves to uphold the truth and will never drift with the tide.
❍ 悟空又道: “我当年别汝等,~飘过东海大洋,到西牛贺洲地界,……”(《西游记》28) “The year I left you all,” Wu Kong said,“I drifted with the waves across the Great Eastern Ocean and reached the West Aparagodaniya Continent.”/你心胸开阔,气度那么从容! 你不~,也不故步自封。(郭沫若《屈原》)Deep-rooted thus you stand unshaken,|Impartial,by no fancies taken;|Steadfast you choose your course alone,|Following no fashion but your own. …/你年纪青青就晓得好学,也还专心,不怕就有好些糊涂的人要引诱你去跟着他们胡混,你也不大~,这是使我很高兴的事。(郭沫若《屈原》7) Although you are still young you have chosen the right study,you work hard,and you rarely let scatter-brained youngsters lead you into mischief.I am very pleased with you.


swim(or go) with the stream;drift with the tide (or current);change according to changing circumstances;follow others blindly;coast along

随波逐流suí bō zhú liú

逐:追逐。随着波浪起伏,跟着流水飘荡。比喻没有鲜明的立场和正确主见,盲目地跟着别人走。swim(drift) with the tide, go with the stream, follow the crowd, serve the hour(time), get(go) adrift, in the movement, drift with the current





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