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单词 mean
释义 mean1 /mi: n; min/ adj (-er, -est) 1 poor in appearance; shabby-looking: 粗陋的; 破烂不堪的: a ~ house in a ~ street. 鄙陋街道上的鄙陋房屋。 2 (of behaviour) unworthy; discreditable: (指行为) 卑鄙的; 丢脸的; 不名誉的: That was a ~ trick! 那是一个卑鄙的诡计! It was ~ of you to eat all the peaches! 你把桃子全吃光了,真不害羞! He took a ~ advantage of me. 他用卑鄙的手段欺骗了我 0What a ~ revenge! 多么卑鄙的报复! 3 (of persons, their character, etc) having or showing a fondness tor ~ behaviour: (指人,人格等)卑贱的; 卑鄙的: ~ rascal. 卑鄙的流氓。 Don't be so ~ to your little brother, Don't tease him, treat him unkindly, etc. 不要那样恶待你的小弟弟(指揶揄他,或苛待他等)。 He's a ~-minded sort of fellow. 他是一种心地卑下的人。 4 of low rank or humble birth: 地位 0 卞的; 出身微贱的。 5 (of the understanding, the natural powers) inferior; poor: (指理解力,秉赋)低劣的; 不如人的: This should be clear even to the -est intelligence. 即使智力最低的人对此亦应了如指掌。 He is no ~ scholar, is a good one. 他是个优参的学者。 6 lacking in generosity; selfish: 吝啬而; 自私的: Her husband is rather ~ over money matters. 她的丈夫对钱财相当吝啬。 7 (colloq) secretly ashamed: (俗)暗自惭愧的; 不好意思的: feel rather ~ for not helping more. 因未多帮忙而感到很不好意思。 8 (US) nasty; vicious: (美)刻毒的; 邪恶的: He's a really ~ fellow—he likes to see people suffer. 他真是个邪恶的人 —— 他喜欢看别人受苦。 ~ly adv ~ness n ~ie, ~y; 'mini/ n (colloq) ~-minded person: (俗)心地卑鄙的人; 吝啬或自私的人; 吝啬鬼: What a ~ ie you are! 你真是个吝啬鬼! O 6 above. 参看上列第 6 义。




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