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[书] (疾速) fast; quick; rapid Ⅱ ❶(人名用字) a word used in a person's name: 南宫 ~ Nangong Kuo
❷(姓氏) a surname
另见 see also shì。


❶ (适合) fit; suitable; proper: ~ 于儿童阅读的书籍 books suitable for children; 她 ~ 于做这工作吗? Is she suitable for the job? 这种船只 ~ 于在风平浪静的海上航行。 Such a boat is fit only for a calm sea.
❷ (恰好) right; opportune: ~ 量 just the right amount; ~ 逢休假。 It happened to be a holiday.
❸ (舒服) comfortable; well: 舒 ~ comfortable; 我觉得身体不 ~。 I'm not feeling very well. Ⅱ ❶ (去, 往) go; follow; pursue: 无所 ~ 从 not know what course to pursue; be at a loss what to do
❷ [书] (出嫁) (of a woman) marry: 已 ~ 人 already married Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 田 Shi Tian
另见 see also kuò。
◆适才 [方] just now;
适当 suitable; proper; appropriate;
适得其反 run counter to one's desire; be just the opposite to what one wished; accomplish the very opposite; exactly opposite; get just the opposite (of what one wants); have an exactly opposite effect; on the contrary; The result was just the opposite.; turn out to be just the opposite of; (The case) was just the reverse.;
适得其所 be well suited with one's place;
适度 appropriate; moderate; proper; appropriate measure; moderate degree;
适度消费 moderate consumption; 适逢其会 be lucky enough to be there at the time; happen to be present on the occasion; come just at the right time;
适耕地 arable land;
适航 seaworthiness; airworthiness;
适航性 navigability; manoeuvrability; dirigibility; airworthiness; seaworthiness; sea kindliness;
适合 rightness; trim; appositeness; suit; fit; be appropriate for; become; be good for; be suitable; be perfect for; O.K. [okay]; be proper;
适可而止 not overdo sth.; A little wind kindles, much puts out the fire.; be satisfied with what is proper; Enough is as good as a feast.; Enough is enough.; leave it at that; Let it go at that.; keep from a steep undertaking; know how far to go; know when to stop; know where to stop and what to be content with; not to overdo a thing; play it just right; stop before going too far; Stop where [when] you reach the limit.; There's a limit.;
适口 agreeable to the taste; palatable;
适量 appropriate amount;
适龄 of the right age;
适配器 adapter;
适时 at the right moment; in good time; timely;
适销对路 marketable; good for sale; enjoy good sale; have a ready market; ready marketability;
适宜 suitable; fit; appropriate; proper;
适意 agreeable; enjoyable; comfortable;
适应 suit; adapt; get with it; fit;
适应性 adaptability; flexibility;
适应性反应 adaptability response; 适应性训练 adaptability training; 适用 suit; apply to; suitable for use;
适用程序 utilities; 适用技术 applied technology; appropriate technology; 适用性 usability; serviceability;
适于 fit; suit; be suitable for;
适者生存 {生} survival of the fittest;
适值 just when;
适中 moderate; well situated





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