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单词 knock
释义 knock2 /nok; nak/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 15A, B, 14, 22, 2A, C] hit; strike; cause to be (in a certain state) by hitting; make by hitting: 击; 打; 敲; 击成(某种状态): Someone is ~ing at the door/on the window. 有人敲门(窗子)。 Come in-don't ~. 进来,不要敲门。 He ~ed the bottom out of the box. 他把箱底打掉了。 Let's ~ a hole in the wall. 我们就在墙上打个洞罢。 He ~ed (= struck by accident) his head on/against the wall. 他的头撞在墙上了。 The blow ~ed me flat/senseless. 那一击把我击倒在地上(使我失去了知觉)。 ~ one's head against a brick wall, (fig) achieve nothing. (喻)无成就; 失败。 ~ sb/sth into a cocked hat, ccock(1). ~ the bottom out of an argument, bottom(7). ~ spots off sth/sb, → spot. 2 [VP6A] (sl) surprise; shock: (俚)使为讶; 使震惊: What ~s me is his impudence. 使我大为惊讶的是他的厚颜无耻。 3 [VP2A] (of a petrol engine) make a tapping or thumping noise (because of a defect that prevents the engine from running smoothly): (指用汽油的发动机)发爆声(因有毛病故机器不能帽动): The engine of this old car is ~ing badly. 这部老汽车的引擎发爆声容得厉害。 cantiknock. 4 [VP6A] (sl) criticize unfavourably: (俚)批评; 攻击: Why must you always ~ my driving? 你信何总是批评我的驾驶技术? 5 (compounds) (also c(6) below) (复合字)(亦参看下列第 6 义) '~-about adj (of a comic performance) = slapstick, cslap; (of clothes) suitable for rough wear. (指滑稽亩出 j 喧实的; (指衣服)粗牢的。 '— down adj a (of prices, eg at an auction) lowest at which goods are to be sold; reserve price. (指价格, 例如拍卖时)最:低的; 起码的; 最低价的。 b (fig) overwhelming; stunning. (喻)压倒的; 锐不可当的。 'kneed adj having legs cur/ed so that the knees touch when walking. 膝内翻的(两腿向内弯曲,故行走时两膝互撞)。 '~out adj, n a (abbr 略作 KO) (blow) that ~s a boxer out. (拳击)打倒对手的(一击); 获胜的一击。 b (of a) tournament or competition for eliminating weaker competitors. 淘汰书(的)。 c (colloq) (person, thing) impressive or attractive: (俗)孕人印象深刻的; 动人的(人或物): Isn't she a ~-out! 她多么动人啊! d (sl) drug, etc which induces sleep or unconsciousness: (俚)迷药:~ ~ out pills. 迷药丸。 6 [VP2C, 15B] (uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语和介词连用之用法): knock about, (colloq) lead an unsettled life, travelling and living in various places: (俗)过漂泊不定的生活 He has ~ed about all over Asia. 他曾在亚洲 i 到处漂泊。 ~ about (with sb), (sl) have a (casual) (sexual) relationship with sb: (俚)与某人发生(随便的)(性)关系: She's ~ing about with a married man. 她正同一位已婚的男人有染。 ~ sb/ sth about, hit repeatedly, treat roughly: 接连敲打; 粗鲁地对待: The ship had been ~ed about by down 10 per cent/ ~ed his price down to £450. 他的汽车要卖五百镑,但我总算使他减价百分之十(使其价格减低为四百五十镑)。 Hence, 由此产生, ~-down prices. 减低的价格。 also knock-down at (5) above. 亦购:看上列痢 5 义中之 knock-down。 knock sth in, strike so that sth goes/stays in: 打入; 敲进: ~ in a nail; 敲进一钉; ~ in the top of a barrel. 将桶顶敲进。 storms. 那船曾饱受风暴的摧残。 knock sth back, (sl) drink: (俚)饮: ~ back a pint of beer. 饮一品脱啤酒。 knock sb down, str 汰 e to the ground or floor: 击倒; 打倒: He was ~ed down by a bus. 他被公共汽车撞倒了。 He ~ed his opponent down. 他将他术对宇击倒。 You could have ~ed me down with a feather, I was very surprised. 我甚为吃惊。 ~ sth down, a demolish: 疏除: These old houses are to be down. 这些旧房屋将被拆除。 b take to pieces to save cost and space in transport: 拆散以节省运费和空间: The machines will be ~ed down before being packed for shipment to Singapore. 这些机器在包装运往新加坡之前将被拆卸。 Hence, 由此产生, ' ~-down furniture, etc, which can be taken to pieces. 可拆卸的像具。 ~ sth down to sb, (at an auction sale) sell (to a bidder): (拍卖时)卖(给出价者): The painting was ~ed down to Mr Smith for £50. 那幅画以五十镑拍卖给史密斯先生了。 ~ sth/sb down (to sth), (compel sb to) lower a price: (强迫女人)减植: He asked £500 for his car but I managed to ~ him knock off (work), stop work: 停止(工作): It's time to ~ off for tea. 该停工喝茶了。 ~ sb off, (sl) quickly seduce and then abandon, (俚)迅速诱奸然后遗弃。 ~ sth off. a deduct: 减除: I'll ~ 50p off the price. 我愿减价五十便士。 b compose or finish rapidly: 迅速位成: ~ off an article/ some verses for a magazine. 为一杂志匆匆写一文章(几节诗)。 c (cricket) score quickly: (板球) 迅速得分: ~ off the runs needed to win a match. 迅速获得赢得比赛所需要的分数。 d (sl) break into, rob: (M)抢劫:~曲 a bank. 抢劫银行。 K~ it off! (sl) Stop it! (俚)停止!住手!不要吵! knock on, (Rugby) ~ the ball forward when trying to catch it (a foul). (橄揽球)欲接球时将球击向前(为犯规动作)。 Hence, 由此产生, '~on n on effect n (colloq) (usu unpleasant) consequence. (俗)结果; (通常指)不愉快的结果。 knock sb out, a (boxing) strike (an opponent) so that he cannot rise to his feet for the count. (拳击)击倒(对手,使无法于规定时间内站起)。 b (fig) overwhelm; stun: (喻)使震惊: She was ~ed out by the news. 这消息使她异常洛: 惊。 c ~ sb out (of), eliminate him (from a competition) (by defeating him). (击败某人)使退出(比赛)。 ~ sth out, empty by ~ing: 敲空: ~ out one's pipe, is of ash, etc. 磕烟斗。 knock (things) together, make roughly or hastily: 匆匆凑成: ~ boards together for a camp table. 用木板匆匆凑成一露郁用的桌子。 The bookshelves had obviously been ~ed together, not made with care, 那些书架显然是匆匆拼成的。 ~ your/ their heads together, use force to prevent you/them from quarrelling, being foolish or stubborn. 迫使你们他们)停止争吵,不再愚蠢或固执。 knock up, (tennis) practise shots before the start of a match. (网球)赛前练球。 ~ sb up. a (GB colloq) waken or rouse sb by ~ing at his door, etc: (箕俗)敲门等以唤醒: Please could you ~ me up at seven o'clock. 请在七点钟敲门叫醒我。 b (GBcolloq) make tired; exhaust: (英俗)使疲倦; 使筋疲力竭: He was ~ed up after the long steep climb. 经长时间险峻的攀登后,他已疲惫不堪了。 c (US sl) attack; beat up. (美俚)攻击; 痛打。(d) A (US vulg sl) (of a man) have sexual intercourse with; make pregnant. (讳)(美鄙俚)(指男人)与某女子有性关系; 使怀孕。 ~ sth up. a drive upwards with a blow: 向上击: K~ his arm up! 向上打他的胳臂! b arrange, put together quickly: 匝速妾切; 匆匆凑成: ~ up a meal from whatever there is in the larder; 用食阍中所有的东西匆匆做好一餐饭。 ~ up a shelter for mountain-climbers. 为登山者草草搭成一棚。(c) score (runs) at cricket. (板球)得(分)。 ~ up copy, prepare material for printing (in a newspaper, etc). (K 报纸等)预备排印贪料。




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